Bear chased my turkey!

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Hunted turkeys this AM for the first time this season and had three gobblers answer at about 10AM. Chose to go after the closest one which was about 400 yards away. Worked him a little and heard hens with him so started talking to them. He showed up at about 75 yards with two hens and as they were slowly feeding and walking my way I saw a scrawney yearling bear that couldn't have weighed more than 50 lbs. sneaking up on them from the other side of the ridge where they couldn't see him. They were still about 60 yards from me when the bear decided to charge them from about 40 yards away and they took off! He never got close to them. The gobbler had about an 8 inch beard. I'm not upset at all about not getting him. It was great fun to watch! I actually wish the poor little guy had caught one of them. He looked like he needed a good meal!
What state you in Idaho????.....if so where was the bear at??? My dogs need some exercise
Yes, I'm in Idaho. But I'm not telling where that poor little bear was. He needs to put on weight, not run it off. I had heard a lot about bears going into hibernation last Fall in bad shape because of the drought. That little guy confirmed it for me. I know bears are usually pretty skinney this time of the year, but this was the scrawniest yearling bear I've ever seen. I felt so sorry for him I left him the apple and bagel I had along for my lunch.
pretty cool story !! sorry he ruined your hunt but how many times are ya gonna get to see that happen!! we had a coyote come between the turkies and us last weekend in kentucky and they got outta there pretty quick!

[ 18 April 2001: Message edited by: DKO ]
2 yrs ago a freind of mine had a bear come right in and pounce right on his decoy, purty wild huh :eek: :eek:
Man, I would love to see something like that! I would probally be mad at first... :D Great story. Hope you have better luck next time.

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