Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Bear attack Wy

Almost never hear from victims in situations like this. I'm sure he'll relive that moment for the rest of his life.

So sad to hear of an outfitter - it's a chilling reminder that a grizzly could take any of us hunting in their country at any time they like. Be safe out there folks!
tragic situation.

are there getting to be more encounters? or we are just seeing more due to the ease of posting online?
There are more encounters - more people out there and more bears - it’s inevitable. Same thing goin on with cougars further west. With high populations of predators and more people living and playing near predator habitat, bad things are going to continue to happen.
any news on if the 2nd bear was a yearling ? The article said the 2nd bear just watched

Assuming there were two grizzly bears at the scene, it would suggest a couple scenarios; either 1) a sow with a cub or, 2) a boar courting a sow. But it is getting pretty late for a sow to be bred this year. More than likely it was a sow with a cub, either a one or two year old.

With two people at the scene at the time of the attack, a guy from Florida that, based on his behavior since the attack, probably would not be able to tell if the non-attacking bear was a cub or an adult. Unfortunately, the person that would be able to identify the non-attacking bear, the guide from Jackson, is dead.

The investigation should reveal more details on what happened.

This part of the story strikes me as extremely odd.

That client, Florida resident Corey Chubon, was able to phone authorities, was flown out of the wilderness and, despite injuries, is in good enough condition that he was flying out of Jackson Hole this afternoon.

This fella needs to do some explaining IMO, especially to the victims family.
This part of the story strikes me as extremely odd.

That client, Florida resident Corey Chubon, was able to phone authorities, was flown out of the wilderness and, despite injuries, is in good enough condition that he was flying out of Jackson Hole this afternoon.

This fella needs to do some explaining IMO, especially to the victims family.

Everything about this seems very weird.
As stated before.This sounds like very bad reporting,reporters wanting to "get the scoop".
The real story wiil come out in the end...Prayers sent.dirtclod Az.
Extremely odd details so far. I hope this doesn’t turn out to be another of those scenarios where one guy shoots and kills his hunting partner while trying to shoot the bear. Another reason I prefer bear spray over a firearm for bear protection, especially when hunting with a partner.

Regardless of how it happened, I am heartbroken for his young family.
Tragic news for the family.
Be interesting to hear the client (from Florida) tell the story. Did guide tell him to leave? Did he just huck the pistol towards the guide and bail?
My dad and bro are horsebacked into the teton wilderness until the 23rd. Hopefully they dont have any close griz encounters.

Wonder what the photographer with the griz tag thinks of this?

Probably happier than a pig in a new mudhole that the grizz got one.
So the client just left him there to fend for himself? I guess one of the downsides to being a guide is you don't know really who you're out there with.

Sad set of circumstances.

I know I'm coming off as harsh, different mindset I guess.

Generally speaking I would think that a guide is [or should be] better prepared to deal with this type of situation than most of his clients would be. I would assume the guide had a firearm, but if he was attacked first or by surprise he likely didn't have much chance to react.
It is possible that the guide had the mindset that he had to protect his client and told him to run. So many scenarios that could have played out. May never get the whole truth. It's one man's word who experienced a traumatic event. He may not even be able to clearly process it.
Just recieved update on my phone.Hunter climbed to top of mountain to call for help after bieng mauled.Guide found dead.Bear spray and Glock found at scene.No comment about them being deployed.
As a former guide myself, I can't fault the client for trying to get away from an active bear attack. Having not been there it's impossible to tell the specifics of what happened enough to make an honest critique. The client had injuries and its possible that the guide died right away making any sort of rescue moot. Sometimes a bad situation comes up where there is no way to get out alive. Climbing to the top of a mountain to call for outside help is a commendable action in my eyes.
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