Bear attack in Idaho


New member
Mar 9, 2002
Louisville, KY
This was from a report on

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- A black bear tried to drag a teenager out of his sleeping bag as he and other campers slept under the stars in a remote canyon -- the first bear attack in Utah in 11 years, officials said.

Nick Greeve, 18, of West Linn, Oregon, was treated for puncture wounds and lacerations at a hospital in Price and released, officials said. The animal grabbed him by the head and neck, but the other campers chased the bear away after hearing Greeve's screams.

Wildlife officers tried to find the bear to kill it, but the animal apparently had left the area, said Bill Bates, southeastern region wildlife manager for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.

Greeve was part of a group of 15 campers and five instructors from the Utah Outdoor Leadership School who were sleeping in the open early Monday in the canyon about 120 miles southeast of Salt Lake City.

"Bear attacks like this are extremely rare, but they do occur," said Craig McLaughlin, mammals coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Resources.

The group was on an 80-mile, four- to five-day float trip on the Green River.

Bruce Palmer, executive director of the National Outdoor Leadership School headquarters in Wyoming, said it was the first time he had heard of a bear attacking one of the school's groups. The school, founded in 1965, specializes in whitewater rafting trips in areas including Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, Chile and New Zealand.

"We do operate in remote areas. There's a whole variety of risks," Palmer said.

Greeve was on his way home to Oregon on Wednesday.
I saw your title "Bear Attack in Idaho" and came over to post that there was a bear attack in Utah as well... but I see this is the Utah attack and you just made a slipup in the title.

I saw on the news last night there was also a grizzly attack up around Gallitan I think.

Never had one jump me yet when I was riding with my pack of hounds. One can only hope.
hey there: here in ontario canada with the cancellation of our spring bear nuicance bears are absolutally erywhere. i'm afraid we may have a few of those headlines in our papers before to long.
I bet they don't poor bacon greece on the end of his sleeping bag again for a joke!!!
not sure how aggresive your bears are but the ones up here are getting real bold around humans lately. just last week in muskoka a bear enterd a cottage where a mother and her 2 year old child had to take refuge in the basement until the bear left. the bear then enterd a small shed where it got locked in. after smashing the shed apart the bear was finally killed by police as it was reentering the cottage. i had a bear in my yard a couple of weeks ago coming in after my turkeys i think. luckly my dog chased it away before any damage was done.
Welcome to Hunttalk sm.....
I wonder how many of these types of incidents will have to happen before the Canadian Government eases up on it's gun control... I wonder if this woman with her small children was one that was against gun control at one time, I even wonder if she still is...Kinda hard to protect oneself against muraders if one doesn't have sufficient protection....
Thanks for the story...
the gun control here is crazy. iv'e lost two turkeys and a chicken to coons here this summer because of the fact that i had to have my guns locked in a safe. and my ammunition locked in a seperate container. now since i'm breaking the law and have one at the front door the coon population has decreased by 2.
thanks for the welcome

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-13-2003 07:09: Message edited by: sm ]</font>
I sure hope that some day the people of Canada wake up and take back control of their Government before it gets much worse...
We here are seeing ours eroded in the same way every day...
we are still fighting the national registration and have the support of most police forces and provincial governments. the damn liberals just keep turning a blind eye. they dont want to admit they screwed up royaly.
Thanks for the story and welcome to Hunt Talk.
I had a bear come into my yard and needless to say he won't come a knocking at my door again, or anyone else's.
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