Be prepare before hire a Guide/Outfitter!


Mar 29, 2020
Hey there, my Friends I have not been on since my trip into 16B. in September but wanted all to hear about this F'd up hunt we were on as I told all I would do good or bad.
On a 14-mile ride in my horse completely fell at about 12 miles in through m and I landed on my head.
They were going to take me out, but I did not want to ruin my kids' chance at a good bull so elected to ride all the way in.
After 7 days I had enough as I was not doing well at all. So, the kid called for us to get taken out. @ days later they show up and listen to this one.
They not only put me back on the horse I rode in to on but while packing up that horse just standing there fell off his feet twice sleeping. LOL i asked is this going to happen again. she stated they all do that! I said why are not of the others falling? no reply.
On the way out all was going good and finally close to the truck that horse fell again with me on him, and I didn't think I was going to make it out of there.
We got to the truck, and they had to find something I could climb off the horse high enough to get me off then my son put me in the truck as he loaded all our bags from the trip.
Now here is the other Joke I call it as we have both been Elk hunting probably as much as anyone that takes you in on these hunts just not with an outfitter always on our own. But! when you get a hunt like this you want the best. Well! We didn't have that for sure. Everything was set up before the hunt for a location. When we got close to the end, we headed up prior creek I said we are supposed to go up chicken coop trail.
She said it too far I'm dropping you in prior and so about a 1/4 mile up prior we were dropped on the creek the only water withing 2-3 miles. I said why would we get dropped on water that I'd think ELK might be using. No reply! they unloaded and off they went. Not only pissed off hurting, I sat in that camp for 7 days then had enough and had to get out of there. stumbling around until the kid got back after walking 8-10 miles Aday looking for elk and only saw 7 young Bulls on the first day and not another thing in 7 days everyday up and gone at 3 AM and back at dark every Nite and said he covered so much ground it was crazy for the low number of animals in that area that is supposed to be a great spot.
Not that all Outfitters are the same, but I'd never Hire an outfitter ever again.
Name the outfit. If you had a bad experience, name them. Put it out there for them to defend themselves and for others to know that they didn't live up to what you thought they should do.

Trying to follow your story is difficult, I know, punctuation and capital letters are hard.
I think I got the jist of the story, though. On the way in, your horse fell and threw you, and you hit your head. They wanted to evacuate you out, and you chose to stay. No good bulls seen, and you were camped on a creek. On the way out, the horse fell again. You are never going to hire an outfitter again..... I think.
What outfitter? Just hired for a drop camp? Is the main complaint the one horse and you didn’t get to choose location? Did you agree to stay where they left you? Or did you push back at the time? Sorry the hunt didn’t go well, hope you are ok.
I too had a terrible experience with an outfitter some years back : lied about where we were going to hunt, wanted more money before we hunted even though we had paid in full, etc. I warned his guides before we left that they should find someone else to work for. I lit that azzhole up all over the internet. I also filed a complaint with the State Agency that oversees outfitters. Hunter72 should name the outfitter to warn others to avoid him.
You had a bad hunt. You were injured. You paid someone for a job that you feel like they screwed you on it. That all sucks. However, you give 0 details as to the person that you have an issue with. If I had the issues you did, I would put it out there publicly.

States have outfitter and guide associations. Have you contacted them? Better business bureau? State attorney generals office? Or just the good folks of hunt talk?
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You had a bad hunt. You were injured. You paid someone for a job that you feel like they screwed you on it. That all sucks. However, you give 0 details as to the person that you have an issue with. If I had the issues you did, I would put without there publicly.

States have outfitter and guide associations. Have you contacted them? Better business bureau? State attorney generals office? Or just the good folks of hunt talk?

There are usually three sides to a story; his, theirs and the truth.

Sounds like the outfitter/guide put them on 7 bulls day one but they chose not to fill their tag though they had an injured member in camp. Sounds like a personal decision to me.
Glad youre okay and didn't end up really hurt. Horses were probably really tired, hurt, or had some type of shoeing issue. 14 miles seems like a long ways. Seems like elk hunting to me and least you seen them. It's fairly normal to go multiple days or even a week without spotting an elk and then they decide to show. Sounds like the guide met their part of deal on this hunt. Hopefully you can return with your son sometime