Caribou Gear Tarp

Be Honest.. HOW often do you....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Clean out your Fridge or Freezer ? It always seems like there is Crap in the Fridge, 6 bottles of Salad dressing, 2 bottles Ketchup... You know the Leftovers you were going to eat 1-2 Years ago !!!!

Anyways , My wife is gone for another day or two and I'm taking EVERYTHING out ofthe Fridge, Everything out of the Freezer and Cleaning up stuff.

Just wondering if any of you do that or How long it's been ? Someone should try to look at the Salad dressing bottles.. I'm almost Afraind to say What I've found in there !!!
Mine doesn't ever get cleaned until my mom or sister come over and I play the sympathy "but I don't know what's still good, I'm just a boy" game. They always fall for it.
Are you able to TAKE a picture and Post it ? Is it "THAT" clean ?

I know I would never want someone to have looked into mine.. I'm still working on it but WOW, I thought I was better then that !! I didn't know of the One science project in the BAck of the Fridge
We clean out all the left overs the night before the trash goes to the end of the street for pick up.Now wiping all the shelves off is about once a month.
Hummmm........I'm not sure how often we clean it out, but I know IF it smells bad and has things growning on then I throw it out. But as for washing off the shelves and such I have no clue.
Quick Draw
At home the wife handles it. Up at the hunting shack i do it every time i am up there. It seems that salsa jars, catsup bottles, and small milk bottles multiply up there as friends visit. In the fall i pretty much clean it out completely because anything in there would freeze and break.
I ain't got a sense of smell, my nose ran into someones knee many years ago
So I just eat everything thats in there
you can tell by lookin at the size of me , nothing goes to waste in our house.
Here at home The Wife takes care of it; I don't really know how often she does it.

At work, though, I'm called the Refrigerator Nazi.
I volunteered to manage the 'frige in the break room after getting pissed off about not having a place to sit a Coke for 3 days in a row.
Now, I require that each item in the 'frige be labeled with date AND initials. The first couple of days I did it, I threw out anything that wasn't dated for that day or w/o initials...then I backed off to twice a week, and now it's more like once a month. But baby, when I clean out the refrigerator, I CLEAN it. Anything w/o dates & initials gets thrown away (except Tupperware, which gets piled on the counter for claiming). Anyone who leaves anything in there long enough to get moldy or smelly gets tracked down and shown what it looks like. Anyone who beotches about it is told to go see their supervisor or The Boss, who back me up 100%.

When it comes to refrigerator upkeep, I AM THE MAN.

(One with so little to be proud of as me has to take his chances where he can.
UGGGg. the work Refrig is BAD, Sometimes thigs Grow in there
I always see 1 sip of a Drink left that people put in there, I hate to Be a whiner
but drink the LAst FEtchin Sip or throw it out !! How good is a Coke gunna be 10 days after you leave 1 sip in it !! Honestly ?!?!

5.....4....3....2...1... OK, I'm better now
Sounds like Dgib and Me are Refrig Soul mates
Ours is bad. I also have to wait for the wife to leave in order to clean out the fridge or the freezer. There is stuff in the freezer that is unidentifiable, it is so freeze-dried or freezer-burned. My wife has the best intentions of using every spec of food, even if that means "later." The dogs do enjoy it when she leaves for a day or two....
Moosie, I do it just about every night...oops, I just read the title of your post..umm, cleaning out the fridge, that gets done about once every two weeks, usually the night before garbage day.
Wife cleans the refrigerator every week, usually Saturday after grocery shopping, before putting the new vittles in. The big freezer gets cleaned once a quarter. I don't know how she remembers it. I had to ask her when she cleans it......first I got the look, then the question why. When I explained she just rolled her eyes, and told me. Like I shoulda known that. Yea, like she knows when the rut kicks, or when squirrels mate.
Like Nut said with SR here I don't need to clean out the food just wash it. but after he go's back to Job Corp then it gets done ever week.
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