Be careful!!!


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Just wanted to remind everyone to be careful on the internet. Some a$$hole got a hold of my debit card #. Luckily I caught it before they spent too much. Pisses me off. Why do you steal some ones info and then order body cleansers and weight loss pills?

Just wanted to remind everyone to be careful.

If only there was a way to get my hands on them, then they would have a very "pressing" 290 lb. problem... :mad:
Thats too bad, sorry to hear you got ripped off, that really sucks. But if they are ordering weight loss pills, then my guess is they already have considerably more than a 290lb problem......LOL
Might you've left ginkgo biloba off the list?:eek:

J/K wimm, getting my dough access pilfered would scare the crap outa me. Glad you cought it quickly.
They got me last week too for about $700. Bank of America. The crooks made conterfeit debit cards and pulled it out of ATM's in Miami Fl. B of A fixed it pretty quick though.
Boy, that really sucks !! There's too many loser meat heads out there.... I check my accounts every morning on the Web to make sure nothing gets out of place - hopefully it stays that way too.
Your money is taken directly from your account with a Debit card.
Credit card over a Debit card any day.
would never buy anything over the internet with a debit card. not nearly the fraud protection/relief as with a CC.

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