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BAYED - Official Thread

Randy...Plenty is a subjective term..besides, you could leave the "free" one visible for your wife to auction off next fall, when you're gone hunting, and maybe she'll leave your favorites alone. But I like the way you continue to give to the resource.
It is a rifle and scope package. I have plenty of them, so I like Elkwhispers idea of using it to raise money for elk. Whatever we do, it will be a raffle, or random draw. Walking around drumming up morr stuff to add to the package.

Updates when I get home.

What about the winner(winning bid, what have you) chose what conservation organization the proceeds go to?
Elkwhisper, I'll see your 500 and raise you 100. :D

To anyone thinking there is some "good ol boys club" going on...well, you couldn't be further from the truth. C'mon, be positive! ;)
This just keeps getting better and better. I'm a sucker for a rifle raffle!
I will be home this afternoon, and will post a new BAYED prize and winner over on the scoreboard thread, sometime this afternoon/evening.

Thanks for hanging in there with me.

Maybe he can use it to grab the nuts of some the reps and have them vote our way.

Ha Ha.
"We ask that all emails and phone calls be respectful and delivered in such a manner as to foster a positive image of all hunters and anglers."

Thanks! I'm sure I can find some good use for it. ;)
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