Barrasso Wilderness bill

My only problem is with Wilderness ares in Wyoming as there Outfiffer and Guide Association about 25 plus years ago locked out NonResidents total B.S.
I have hunted other Wilderness areas in other States and Backpacked in.
The land belongs to the Public then let them have access. Wyoming Outfitter and Guide Association says it was for safety if that was true why can hikers hike it when ever they want but a Hunter can not ?
Think it's about MONEY ? I do, and someone claiming something that is not there's. IMHO
I'm all for more wilderness areas. Not sure about this process though. A motorized park in the Dubois badlands is crazy.
My only problem is with Wilderness ares in Wyoming as there Outfiffer and Guide Association about 25 plus years ago locked out NonResidents total B.S.
I have hunted other Wilderness areas in other States and Backpacked in.
The land belongs to the Public then let them have access. Wyoming Outfitter and Guide Association says it was for safety if that was true why can hikers hike it when ever they want but a Hunter can not ?
Think it's about MONEY ? I do, and someone claiming something that is not there's. IMHO
As a resident I have no issue with the wilderness law. There are massive swaths of land in this state that are available to non-resident hunters, and, in my experience, offer similar hunt and trophy qualities.
The wilderness guide statute has previously only applied to forest service wilderness areas. If they did decide it would apply to these new blm wilderness areas, I think that would be the beginning of the end of most non-resident participation in Wyoming. Why bother hunting if we're being restricted from the most remote areas that offer the most solitude, etc.

Most non residents are more than happy enough to get tags and hunt.

I think a lot of non residents would be delighted at the idea of better draw odds.

Utah has a ton of roads and some of the worst draw odds, but that does not stop people from applying there.

Even in Idaho with the frank church, there are more hunters outside of the wilderness than inside.

There has been a rise in backpack style hunting, but in no way is it more popular than areas that are roaded.

Which makes it nice for those that want to pack in.
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