Barnes Triple Shock bullets

I found in my .338 that I was able to use the same load with the X-bullet as I was with the Partition. Start a little lower and work up - reduce by 5% or so, load 5, go up a little, load 5 more, until you reach the standard load or close to max. Start at the bottom, shoot and examine the brass and note how easy/hard the bolt lifts. My .338 shoot the X-bullets very well.
I'm going to work on a load for the 160 grain Barnes X in my 338. I've read they need to be 0.05 off the lans and not 0.02 like most bullets.
Any comments? Anybody tried to vary that?

Also, a recent Field and Stream gives an analysis of penetration and expansion of several new bullets including the Triple shok. They used a standard load though with 180 grain bullets but the comparisons are interesting.
I've been busy with other things and haven't loaded any for a couple of months. But I was getting good results with 58 grains of H4831 and the 140 grain triple shock. Most 5 shot groups were just over an inch at 100 yards. The next batch I load up I will try at 200 and see how they do. I'm pretty much done experimenting with different powders/primers as I believe a 1 inch group is about as good as I'm going to get with that rifle and the Barnes triple shock. But that's plenty good enough accuracy for elk. I think for deer I may use the 150 grain Nosler BT's that I've always used, since they will shoot 1/2 inch groups. Kraven, with the standard x bullet you'll probably have to use a couple grains less powder than you would with the triple shock, and most rifles are generally more finicky than with the triple shock.
Not trying to start any war here but the statement below is not true. In fact the opposite would be true. Less pressure equals less velocity.

"You should get a little more velocity than the regular X with the same load but not much."

Because there is less pressure one "may" be able to safely increase the powder charge, thereby increasing the velocity.

Originally posted by Tom:
I'm going to work on a load for the 160 grain Barnes X in my 338. I've read they need to be 0.05 off the lans and not 0.02 like most bullets.
Any comments? Anybody tried to vary that?
This is the information that I recieved from Barnes for the X bullet when I telephoned for load information. Barnes recommends .050 off the lands as the starting point for bullet seating. Max .070 and Min. .030.
Caribou Gear

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