Yeti GOBOX Collection

Barnes Triple Shock 130 grain for elk?

I have taken 2 elk with the 270 and Barnes 130's as well as 2 elk with a 308 and 150 grain TTSX bullets. They all ended up in my freezer. No complaints here.
My son shot his first elk with a 120 grain ttsx out of his 708 at 275 yards and dropped her like she got hit by lightning. Certainly made me a believer in the ttsx.
I just read that the TTSX expands more reliably than the TSX because the blue tip allows for a bigger hole in the tip whereas the the hole on the tip of the TSX is really small and therefore less likely to expand as quickly/reliably. Anybody know of any truth to this? I've shot game with both and haven't noticed a difference. Just got me thinking, I always thought they were essentially the same, one just had a tip on it.
I load 130ttsx for my 2 brothers 270. At 2905 initial velocity, terminal velocity is 1839 at 500 yards. They can’t shoot 500 yards.

I don’t think the lead bullet rational works for monos.

I am not sure what a 150 would have over the 130? Expansion? They both expand to same max diameter.
Penetration? Much of the time Barnes bullets pass through shoulders just fine.
Drop? BC?
What variable are you improving with the 150 over the 130?
I shoot the 130 ttsx in my 270. Dropped an oryx with one shot, I'm sure it would drop an elk. Good luck.
I just read that the TTSX expands more reliably than the TSX because the blue tip allows for a bigger hole in the tip whereas the the hole on the tip of the TSX is really small and therefore less likely to expand as quickly/reliably. Anybody know of any truth to this? I've shot game with both and haven't noticed a difference. Just got me thinking, I always thought they were essentially the same, one just had a tip on it.

I have read that too. The tip acts like a wedge when it hits game, pushing back into the cavity of the bullet and initiates expansion. It also makes the bullet more streamlined and maintains it's velocity (which will also help expansion), where a bullet with a more blunt tip (TSX) would lose the velocity faster. This would probably be more noticeable at longer distances.

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