ban this

quail hunter

New member
Mar 25, 2003
south of tucson
I read alot on here about banning atv's mainly for hunting but also for tearing up the land. So lets say they get banned, well better ban motorcycles too , while we are at it better ban jeeps, hunting buggys, any vehicle that lets you hunt easier, better get mountain bikes too, probably those fancy hiking boots and great optics cause they will let you get a few more game also.better go back to a 30-30 and ban the new outreaching guns and bows.Also ban boats too as that would make for more fish, cut down on new rods and reels so you can't cast very far, ban computers as sometimes you will learn of a better hunting spot so that could save a few animals. get rid of gps,horses and remove all the cattle and such, then wait a year for the animals to all grow back then head out to your old hunting spot and drive by the new golf course and pull into your old hunting spot thats now a driveway to joe millionaires house. Start saving now cause when we get everything banned will have to start paying to hunt on some guys new preserve. can state all the stats and facts you want but this you can see with your own eyes.
Welcome to the east side of the Mississippi Quail Hunter. You guys better get some regs in place that limit some of that stuff to preserve hunting or you'll be as f*cked as we are here.
quail man if the out of stater`s could only see the cesspool of humanity in the tucson/phx. metro area, mostly fueled by illegal`s, greed ! GROW_GROW-GROW till ther`s nothing left.
Welcome Quail hunter,I agree with your post.
Not to mention we are regulated to death in a lot of place's,we just don't have good inforcment.
cjcj,soooooooo are you saying you don't like illegal's LOL.

I am not quite sure of all the points you tried to make in your post, but I think one fundamental mis-understanding on the recent restrictions on ATV's being banned in Idaho is not because ATV hunters are being TOO successful. All the bans are related to mis-use of the ATVs in closed areas, or doing illegal activities on ATVS (hunting). I have yet to have anyone tell me they are more successful killing more and bigger game, since they bought an ATV. More frequently I hear "we rode 30 miles, and all we saw was a single doe."

In Idaho, we have a long history of banning technology improvements, in an effort to keep the quality of the hunt high. Those are our regulations, and people are allowed to follow them, or hunt elsewhere. We do not allow in-line muzzleloaders in Muzzleloader seasons, nor scopes. We have restrictions on Archery equipment.

I don't think the independent restriction of one activity is part of a greater conspiracy to ban everything.

And in Idaho, we don't have huge worries (or at least I don't) about not having access to hunting areas. We have so much Public Lands, that the chance Joe Millionaire is going to have his driveway blocking my access is remote. But we do have a MAJOR probelm with Welfare Ranchers denying access and locking public lands.

Your views from AZ may likely be different, and hopefully you all enjoy the beauty of a Sunrise in the desert, and the deafening drone of throngs of ATV's in the background.
Quail, some things have to be banned in order to keep society from destroying itself. I bet you can name some other than drugs, speeding, drunk driving etc if you think about it.

Focusing on hunting---we ban year around hunting, market hunting, many methods of hunting, many types of guns and equipment.

Why don't you name a few things you think shouldn't have been banned?
For everyone that dislikes something , theres always someone that likes it. So because you dislike it you find more people that do and come up with lets ban it! I really don't think atv's are going to destroy society. Its just like everything else some people are always going to be outta line and hurt the ones that are acting responsibly.I Turkey hunted in Praire and Anderson Ranch dam a long time ago, probably 1990. There was nothing to Featherville just a store. Went back when I got into flyfishing and there were homes from anderson all the way to Featherville and rumors of a golf course going in. Tell me your not losing land? We use to have an offroad race in bellevue, and Hailey which got closed down because it was tearing up the enviroment. That was fine but while going thru to Challis I noticed that most of where we were racing was all homes. Bellevue and Hailey are connected and almost to Ketchum. Heck the bike trail goes thru all! Try to flyfish the Wood river now, Yeah theres some access but not much,sheesh.I lived in Elko Nevada for 15 years And every chance I got I was in Idaho, flyfishing, steelhead fishing, elk hunting, racing, water skiing , snow skiing, Just enjoying what I think is a great state, But seeing all the developement I believe I would be more worried about that than atv"s...
Decided I would rather enjoy what I said about Idaho and remember all the fun I had while I was up there than debate.
Therefore I am banning myself so I can go train my bird dog!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-31-2003 07:13: Message edited by: quail hunter ]</font>
I think we should ban Moosie, for trying to get rid of the muzzleloader section
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But seeing all the developement I believe I would be more worried about that than atv"s <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Developement and the ATv issue we discuss here are almost exclusively separate issues since most of the devlopement takes place on private land and the ATV issues discussed here are almost exclusively on public lands.
yep muledeer4me man i hate them illegal`s, and i think there should be a hunting season on them [bag limit one ] unless they keep coming after they know it`s open season on them the a depredation hunt should be held, and the best part is you should be able to use an ATV to hunt them down!
"I don't think the independent restriction of one activity is part of a greater conspiracy to ban everything."

What would you call it when all some folks do is bitch and moan about how other's use public land's.
Ban cow's,ATV's,motorcycle's,snowmachine's,jet ski's ,hell you know as well as I do that alot of the kayaker's and float boater's would like to ban anything with a motor.( We saw that back when we ran river's in a drift boat.)We were alway's happy to share the river's with everyone,not so within certin group's.

Are you saying you can't see the assult from the green crowd to shut down and stop alot of activites that other people enjoy?
some would
like to see just about everything banned ,except those few thing's they
enjoy's out of life.Very limited it seem's.

I think quail hunter
is right,alot of that private land that used to be open to travel was open because it belonged to rancher's that let people use there land.
As it got sold off to the new folks in town (many that brought there liberal green thinking with them and the ban it because I don't do it mentality )thats when it started getting closed off as they built there big house's.

There is nothing wrong with restriction's ,but to say there isnt a segment of people that would be more then happy to see it all shut down is absurd.

When Steve and I went to the meeting on ATV rectriction's we were heard of more then one reason
as to why it was needed.
1. Because of the abuse of some rider's.
2.Because of complaning by some people,they needed to do something to quite them down,they admitted there is a segment that want's nothing less then a total ban.
Also admited that the abuse is not being down by all the rider's,only a few moron's (much like poacher's)that make everyone look bad.
3. Because of the fact that ATV's and motorcycles make is faster & easer to reach spots
that in the past didnt get so much preasure,it was needed to help the game animal's.

I agree with quail hunter,we all need to be carefull
what we push
for or
we could soon
find ourselfa
locked out of hunting spots
Why would any non hunting ATV owner or snowmachine owner be willing
to stand up
to help protect hunting when some of the hunting public along with the green groups are
so vocal about shutting them down and restriction them to death?
MD4ME, I dont want the atv clubs, riders, etc. defending my right to hunt...thats up to people who hunt. If hunters have to rely on other groups of users to defend their right to hunt...its all over for us.

The current laws in Idaho dont discriminate against the nonhunting ATV rider in any way, shape or form, so they shouldnt have much to say about the restrictions.

The only trouble I can see is the whiny, cry-baby, over-weight, two point slaying, fat assed ATV riders saying "it aint fair!" The recreational ATV rider wouldnt give a shit less about the new doesnt affect them at all.

Those new boots are looking better and better all the time arent they? Oh, and I can now say, "I TOLD YOU SO". More restrictions on the use of ATV's during hunting seasons are on the way, count on it.
I guess I am just not too paranoid about conspiracy theories. And I think many organizations and groups (and members of those groups) are taking too large of a paranoid agenda, and come out looking bad. And then single-focus groups can hit a niche, and work on a change to the Status Quo while the big group is still figuring out the issue.

Well, if Quail Hurter had access to all that private land in Blaine County, and the Wood, and could ride his Motor Cycle any where he wanted, then he has definitely lost something. But, unless you want to re-write the constituition, we have Private Property rights in this country, so.... to the victor go the spoils...

I think the Jet Boaters would prefer to ban the float boaters off of the Main Salmon and Hells Canyon, as the neoprene and PVC really clogs up the Jet Pumps.

I have had one run-in with a Jet Boater on the Main Salmon, and it was due to him following my Kayak too close into a rapid. He easily could of eddied out, and waited for me to clear. It turns out he was trying to get his clients to Barth Hot Springs before we did.

When we got to the Hot Springs, I considered putting some river water in his fuel tank
. But, I passed. We did quickly climb up to the Hot Springs, and all my Green friends quickly stripped down to nothing, and proceeded to make his "fat-assed Jet Boat Clients" uncomfortable, and they quickly left.

In Hell's Canyon, I have never seen a conflict, as the Jet Boat operators are respectful, and we even use them for Shuttles. If I wanted them banned, I sure wouldn't be hiring them. And they almost always will eddy out for their customers to watch me go through a rapid, hoping to show their customers a bit of carnage.
It is possible for some people to understand some places have room for some uses, and other places need to be saved, as the special places they are.

And every time I talked with F&G (three times total) about the ATV ban, all three of the people were obviously in support of the Ban.

So, I guess I am not going to be worried about one activity being restricted will result in EVERYTHING being restricted. And I agree with Buzz, I really don't think I want to rely on Snowmobilers or ATV'rs to protect my hunting rights.
O.K, I'm unbanning myself aS I'm done training for today. The racing done in Idaho was organized by a promoter. The course would be checked over by an offical from Blm or whomever was involved to make sure no sensitive areas were damaged. Some of the races in Nevada went thru ranches but for the most part it was Blm land. When I was up just riding for pleasure I would get the travel map and go ride marked trails mostly by Cascade. There were trails by Featherville that averaged over 100 miles to Atlanta but never rode those. With the pressure on the ranchers these days over grazing etc. most are selling out to developers. If the older ranchers denied access it was usually for good reasons, probably someone abused the access so the ranchers decided to close up and usually if you visited with them they would let you thru.. Some offer special permits requiring your driving licsense number and an idea of what your going to be doing so they know whos out there.I don't have a problem with the atv thing its the word ban that gets me.
The same fat butt, whiny lazy hunter that is using the atv will always be a fat lazy hunter no matter what!
He will go buy the latest rock crawler and be right back out on the ridges never missing a beat just now he has stereo and ac.
Yeah atv's have been abused but I believe a full ban is the wrong way to go, I don't think it would end there.
I was up before sunup on a coues deer hunt above my place in the middle of nowhere.
Sitting waiting for the sun to come up I could make out a nice buck over feeding, pretty soon I saw his head come up and he was gone.
Kept hearing this strange noise coming closer could'nt figure it out then all of a sudden 2 mountain bikers come over this hill doing backflips justa pedaling like a couple of mad dogs.
So did I want to ban bikes?
How about the hunter that gets close and lights up a cigarette? The talker? The check you out with a rifle scope hunter? The make it to the top of the hill jeep climber hunter? The doors open, truck sitting in the middle of the road hunter?
The list never ends!
If an atv person is outta line call the 1-800 number, its the same for any game infraction, but a total ban?
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