Kenetrek Boots

Ball size?

That's not how it works.

Get an average patch like your .015's there.

Then try the different sized round balls.

Your rifling/twist/groove style will like one more than the others.

Then try different patch thickness.

Then try different powder amounts.

TC rifles seem to need a 490

Lyman Great Plains do best with .495

Hawken, not hawkins.
I would start with .490 and around 70 grains volume 2f or Pyrodex RS.

I imagine you should find an acceptable load before 100 grains.
The T/C rifles (Hawken, Renegade, etc) with the 1:48 twist seem to like .490 or .495, and a max of about 85 grains of 3F in a .50. 490 loads easier. I have gone to looser loads (smaller round ball size) in all of my MLs, because I don't like the bruised palm from short starting.

My approach would be to start with .490 ball, 70 gr 3f, and experiment with patch thickness and lube. I used to grease with vaseline for the loads in the loading block, since the spit patches for target shooting dry out. Now I might use crisco/bear grease, bore butter, don't seem to matter too much as long as I can load.

All in all, it is experimentation. Seems MLs are somewhat variable in what they digest the best, so have fun at the range!

  • 1.a stupid person (used as a general term of abuse).informal, derogatory
  • 2.a person whose mental and physical development has been impaired by a deficiency of thyroid hormone in fetal or early life.
  • 3. a person suffering from diminished testicular circumference
View attachment 356607
  • 1.a stupid person (used as a general term of abuse).informal, derogatory
  • 2.a person whose mental and physical development has been impaired by a deficiency of thyroid hormone in fetal or early life.
  • 3. a person suffering from diminished testicular circumference
So you’re saying that stuff I mix into my protein powder is making my clackers smaller???
Was able to do some shooting yesterday and tested a few loads. Here's my 50 yard group with a 490. round ball with a .015 patch 65gr of 2f Swiss. 20250113_111600.jpg
I've only shot a handful of shots to get the gun roughly sited in for hunting and haven't had a chance to properly sight in the gun yet. So I went ahead and did some testing besides the 490. ball I also shot 370gr Maxi balls, 320gr Maxi balls, and hornady 385gr great plains bullet with different loads of schutzen 3fffg and Swiss ffg. Ended up settling on a 370gr Maxi ball with a felt wad between 85gr of Swiss ffg. Was shocked how much the felt wad helped tighten up the group. Far left shot was second to last when I over corrected the sight. Moved it back over a hair and ended with the bull.20250113_145351.jpg
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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