Bad Language post (Adults only) :

Watch out BCBOY this guy might come find you, I don't know about any of you but wht we do has a lot to do with guns and I know if someone showed up at my home I would protect it with all my hardware.
Sounds like the guy is just an oxygen thief. Anyone who can attack a man's wife probably wears womens underwear as size or two to small and it's cutting the blood off to his head. Now if you wear them in the right size...
Man what an asshole.....maybe you can bring him here so we can give him a Mental ass kicking ..then We have Delw ban the prick.
The whole reason i post here more that any other website is the shit we DO GET AWAY WITH. I like the ribbing, joking, and argueing without the Holier than though douchbags. And Miller is an easy target makes it fun too.
schmalts said:
And Miller is an easy target makes it fun too.

What's with the BrokeBack on me Pat. Just bored waiting for some of your screwed up apps to bounce back.;) :D
mtmiller said:
What's with the BrokeBack on me Pat. Just bored waiting for some of your screwed up apps to bounce back.;) :D
Im just in a bad mood, havent been hit with a CC charge from UT yet and your living in a state where you can hunt more stuff than me......No rejects.. just nothing drawn yet. Looks like UT is a no-go ... again after 11 years.
This Guy has some valid points, but also is doing a lot of spouting. DK f'd up bad and he knows it. Because he didnt try to deny it and came clean without trying to blame it on the big bad F&G tells me a lot about him. He messed up, he will pay the price and no one will feel sorry for him. But he learned a lesson and its a shame it went down this way. I would hunt with him anyday because of the way he handled the whole thing and he will pay his debt without denying he had it coming. Nuff said
Washington Hunter said:
Moosie, I haven't seen a pic of your wife's ass. Would ya post a pic please? Not fair if JB's seen it and I haven't. :D

Not the Best one but off the Camera phone ... :D


OHHH dang, now thats a POOPER !!!
Just waiting for the sound of Moosie getting his butt kicked for posting the pic. Does she know???? I do have to say, by the looks of that pic, it is obvious that Oscar married up.
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