Bad Hunt Cont.

Sure we're using an outfitter, but it's for a drop camp. They will pack us 15 miles into the wilderness on horses/mules and leave us for a week. We're paying $600 each. I don't see how we can lose on a deal like that. The hunting is left completely up to us. If we choose to spend the entire time sitting in camp, and when we go home with no deer, we have nobody to blame but ourselves. So it's a little different. We are simply paying for transportation and not a "hunt." And, we DO have a written contract.
Washington Hunter said:
Sure we're using an outfitter, but it's for a drop camp. They will pack us 15 miles into the wilderness on horses/mules and leave us for a week. We're paying $600 each..........

Dear... I was just giving you a hard time, in hopes you will give me a hard tie later hump ;) hump ;) hump ;) ..... Just teasing :D
We got a letter demanding payment with the threat of suit from a laywer. Our hunting buddy attorney from here sent a letter threatening that we would sue for expenses if they did not drop their claim. We then received a letter from his attorney stating that a suit had been filed, and that we should expect to be served any day. Our attorney informed us he could not represent us in CO, so we are trying to either find a hunting attorney in CO, or we'll countersue. finding a hunting atorney in CO is not as easy as we thought.
Washington Hunter, I'm sure you know where you are going, but check to make sure there are no roads close by. We hunted the west elk wilderness in Colorado in 2002 and walked into a drop camp after a 3 mile hike. Boy were them guys pissed. They had rode miles on horseback to get there from another direction. They must have never even looked at a map. don
Pa mt man, thanks but that won't be a problem. We'll be in the middle of the Pasayten Wilderness, and we're taking the shortest route in to where our camp will be. There may be other hunters but they will be coming in on horses the same way we do.

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