
New member
Apr 2, 2002
I had a card on the mail box from the city of Idaho Falls police department on my mail box when I arrived home from work.

My chocolate lab had escaped from his kennel by tearing up the gate and then found a loose spot in the chain link fence.
When my mail man came to deliver the mail, he went through the loose spot and bit the mail man on the hip. He didn't hurt him seriously (he had on long johns and heavy wool pants) He did tear up his pants and it did break the skin, more of an abrasion than a puncture.
Tara who had left for work 30 minutes earlier had also put our two little house dogs outside in the kennel. They also got out of the hole in the kennel and the loose spot in the chail link fence and were picked up when the dog catcher came to investigate the mail man getting attacked.
It already cost me 42$ to get the little dogs out on bail, The lab has been sentenced for 10 days at 10$ a day and will also cost 42 for licence and fees for a total of 142$ to get him back after the 10 days.
I was also cited for the 2 little dogs running at large, and for the lab running at large and attacking the mail man. That will be another 300$ or more I'm sure.

Here is my question......
Would you keep a dog that has bitten somebody? My first reaction is to have him put down. I keep thinking what if that was the neibors 7 yr. old coming over to play with my son?
My dilema is that this dog is special. he is a pure bred and I have spent alot of time training him to hunt and he is about as good a hunting dog as you could ever ask for. and a great hunting buddy. I was totally shocked that he attacked somebody, He has never been aggressive before.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO???????????
If it were my dog and I had the money I'd pay it. People will always be a pain in the ass, but dogs are our true friends.
Keep the dog,he was doing his job,guarding your property.If he bites somebody in your prescence after being called down,that's when you put him down.Chocolates are a bit more tempermental than blacks and yellows.I have long suspected someone slipped a chessy in the mix to get the original chocolate lab,and thus a taste of the chessy temperment went along with the color.
Micheal, I have a Springer who could bite just about anybody without my wanting to put him down. He's been a good friend and a valued companion for a lot of years.. Fix the fence, post a sign that says keep out.. move your mailbox to the street so the mailman doesn't have to come in the yard then keep the dog. He'll be a better friend to you than the mailman anyway..

I get the impression you don't want the big dog in the house. You gotta garage to keep that thing in?

I would probably either find a new place to keep the dog, or fix the kennel and find a better chain.

Be lucky the postal worker isn't looking to take you to court.
Put the mailman down and keep the lab!
When my wolf/collie/heeler cross was alive, he would have bitten anyone that was dumb enough to come in his yard...I never even thought about putting him down. I put sign on the chain link gate "Beware of dog...enter at your peril!" All most folks needed was a glimpse of his icy blue eyes and they were gone.

He made it to age 15-16 but never actually bit anyone...though he threatened a few.

My female red husky/shepherd cross is pretty docile...she might knock someone down and lick them to death.

Give him another chance. Chances are he knows the kids pretty well and would be more protective of them than likely to harm them.

That is a tough one. I'm actually really surprised everybody is telling you to keep the dog. I personally would be really nervous having an aggresive dog like that, and that really is unusual for a lab to be that way. It's got nothing to do with the color either, a litter of labrador retrievers can have all three colors, so the genetics are the same, a chocolate lab is not a different breed. Keep it if you want, but it's kind of a shame to have a lab that can't be trusted around your kids or their friends, and will have to be locked away all the time.
Mike, I love ya man, But I'll take the Side of the Mailman. I feel sorry for guys that have that kind of job. I'm guessing the Front yard isn't fenced ? What if it WAS a boyscout or a Girl scout ? That's some Serious Chit !!! What if it wassMe and My boy coming to visit.

IF....if you keep the dog, make sure it can't get out. Check the fence well and check for ways for it to get out. There is nothing worse then going to someones house and Getting bit.

I love dogs, but if a Dog ever Got out and Attacked me or Bit me... I'd find the Nearest Pipe, Beat the dog to death, Kick in the Houses Door, And throw the Dog in the persons living room on their couch.

May sound Brutal, But I don't deal well with dogs that bite.

Nothing against you or Tara Mike, I love ya both, But thats my Personal Opinion.
Just a clarification, The mail box is outside the fence on the side of the garage.
He actually broke through two fences to get out.
through the kennel gate which is behind my house, and then through tne chain link fence.

I suspect that a neighbor somewhere close by might have a female in heat and he was trying to get out to make puppies

I have no idea why he would attack the mailman. He has never acted aggressive towards people. He is hell on geese though.

My biggest concern is that I have two young children 4 and 6 who constantly have a stream of friends coming and going, he has always been great with the kids.
but either myself or Tara have always been here when he has been out of the kennel with the kids. Would he have bitten my boys little friend today, had he come over to play before we got home? The kids come in through the gate to knock. to me that is scarry as hell

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-12-2004 21:30: Message edited by: michaelr ]</font>
Mike, put a small elctric charge on the kennel. It will not hurt anyone, but will let the dog know that the fence is the boss. Works on horses and my last dog would not go near the wire.
Mike you will just have to make the call, if you feel that this dog is capable of turning into "psycho"and you can`t trust him 100%, then do what you have to do, i have 2 dogs and they are my buddies, but i feel certain that i can trust them. Good Luck.
If you asked me yesterday if he would ever bite I would have laughed and told you he might lick you to death..
Today I'm stunned

I do think he would be aggressive towards somebody sneaking into the yard late at night.
#1 you weren't there to see what happened, the mailman could have prevoaced the dog into biting him. Get a better kennel, the chain link kennels you buy at farm store etc are junk, dogs easily chew through them, the straps that hold the tension bars are a joke. I have had dogs chew threw chainlink and escape slicker then schitt, you need to invest in a good welded wire type kennel.
Here's my opinon on this whole thing!!

1st: Who says the dog was being aggressive....I have a cholcolate lab/pit bull mix, a boxer/lab mix, and a pure bred yellow lab. All three are extremely friendly and playful. I have had many a pair of pants and shorts, etc. ripped by then jumping up and nipping---wanting to play....not be at all aggressive!

2nd:If he was aggressive this time...there is nothing that says he will be aggressive again....there is also nothing says that he wont, but who knows. Just cause a dog bites once, doesnt make him a maneater, out for blood.

3rd: For me, my dogs are like my kids. If some day your kid acts out and hits someone or happens to bite someone, are you going to give him/her up for adoption.....i doubt it.

Heres my advice: Pay the fine, keep the dog, and be sure and give the mailman a nice christmas present!!

Gatoman has a good don't really know what happend, the mail man could have provoked it. So, especially since he's a good hunting dog, get a good kennel so you're sure he can't get out, and keep the dog.
I have to agree with GatoMan & Tuffbucker. No one saw if the mailman provoked the dog or if the mailman may have teased the dog from outside the fence at different times when the dog was chained up and maybe the dog had taken a disliking to him, just him...
My son had a pitbull (recently died of old age) that was the most docile animal I've seen. We kept him in a dog run with people coming in and out of the back yard all the time, and he never even barked. One day we had friends from out of town come to visit and Todd took them out to the back yard. When the woman approached the dogrun, Tiko came unglued. If there hadn't of been the fence between them, we believe he would have surely attacked the woman. The woman was deaf and had a hearing aid. We think the hearing aid may have made a high pitch sound that set Tiko off. He never acted that way again and when my son let him come into the house after being in a dog run for 10+ years, Tiko let my son's two boys (ages 5 & 2) lay all over him and love him. Most people cringe at the thought of being near a pitbull but if I could find another one like Tiko, I'd get him in a heartbeat. We didn't put him down for the "one" occurrance and he never gave us an ounce of problems before or after that "one" time. I believe he was about 3 or 4 at the time of the incidence.
No, I'd keep the dog, pay the fines, fix the fence BUT pay close attention to the dog when others are around just in case...
Build the better kennel and keep the dog !

A lot of totaly non-aggresive dogs get weird around anyone wearing a uniform. It's well know that dogs can sense fear, and most mailmen are scard shitless of dogs ( can't blam them ) My yellow lad/golden retriver is the most totally harmless, friendly dog
I've ever seen, until the mail man or U.P.S. guy comes to the door. Then he goes nuts and trys to bust through the security door, barking and growling.
I agree with the whole uniform theory!! Anyone who wears a uniform to work is just asking for a dog to bit them!!


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