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Backyard Moose


New member
May 8, 2001
These pictures where taken in my backyard on Sunday.
A cow and calf are hidding beside this little
bull... Thats my wife int the first pic... Ive got pictures of all 3 standing together but they need to be developed..
Will post when I get them..
Moosie, still want to comme hunting in Northern Ontario...
Photo Point Homepage
Man...I can never post the pictures...
How hard can it be?
Can someone explain to me how to do it...
I live in Thunder Bay...Its about 3.5 hours
east of Nestor Falls....
Im leaving for a dear hunt tommorrow to Fort
Frances which is near Nestor Falls..lots of dear there...
To post a picture, it needs to be on the Internet, which yours are. Go to your pictures and place your mouse on the picture you want to post. Do a right click on it and then click on PROPERTIES. About 1/2 way down the properties box you will see the URL or Address. Copy the address and place it without any spaces between this

From what I can see, you have done it correct, but you have your album on Password Protect which may be blocking it. Edit your profile on Photo Point and do away with the Password needed to view the pics.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 31 October 2001 21:25: Message edited by: Elkhunter ]</font>
Cool,That moose is close.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01 November 2001 08:30: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]</font>