Backpack - large or small?


Active member
Aug 14, 2023
So I recently got my first buck ever. Archery. I've always wondered this question.

I use an Alps pursuit pack, it's like a day pack. Holds kill kit, food/water, some limited survival and first aid. No big deal. After I cut up my deer, I could fit two quarters and head on there. It's not really a meat carrying pack. Thankfully, had two buddies with me, but the one with a meat back (MR pop up 30), was not physically capable of carrying more than one quarter. My other buddy carried the fourth quarter and fifth game bag with straps, neck meat etc.

I also own an Alps Commander, large meat carrying pack. Question: Should I just hunt with the meat carrying pack? I have the backpack for it, so I can carry everything that I typically carry so it won't be that much heavier. Just a little bulkier. I ask only because if my buddy had to find me, then run back to my truck to get the pack, then find me again, it would take a LONG time. Does anyone just hunt with the large meat carrying pack? Bow and rifle?

I intend on using the larger one for rifle but I'd think it's not the ideal pack to have one if I have to draw a bow.
That's a loaded question but let me take a shot....I always fail large....if I need the extra room it's built in, especially if I'm packing game out...however I do find that the more room I have the more I am tempted to take along with me.

I run a Mystery Ranch Metcalf and a Marshal for more extreme conditions here in the Rockies....It has the meat shelf built in and I have found it quite capable of performing both well as a pack and as game removal pack frame. Just my 2 cents.
So I recently got my first buck ever. Archery. I've always wondered this question.

I use an Alps pursuit pack, it's like a day pack. Holds kill kit, food/water, some limited survival and first aid. No big deal. After I cut up my deer, I could fit two quarters and head on there. It's not really a meat carrying pack. Thankfully, had two buddies with me, but the one with a meat back (MR pop up 30), was not physically capable of carrying more than one quarter. My other buddy carried the fourth quarter and fifth game bag with straps, neck meat etc.

I also own an Alps Commander, large meat carrying pack. Question: Should I just hunt with the meat carrying pack? I have the backpack for it, so I can carry everything that I typically carry so it won't be that much heavier. Just a little bulkier. I ask only because if my buddy had to find me, then run back to my truck to get the pack, then find me again, it would take a LONG time. Does anyone just hunt with the large meat carrying pack? Bow and rifle?

I intend on using the larger one for rifle but I'd think it's not the ideal pack to have one if I have to draw a bow.
I think you answered your own question. If its not much heavier and would take a long time to make the trip back to get it. For me its a no brainer im carrying a pack i can haul it all out with. If you are close to the truck take the smaller one.
So we're usually within a 2-3 miles. Rarely if ever are we further away. It's just So Cal deer hunting. We park at the trailhead and walk in. There's deer within half a mile, higher and deeper for larger bucks. But I guess you're right. Gonna take my large pack to the range tonite to see how it feels drawing my bow with it on.

On opener last weekend, I had everything on, small pack, quiver, bino harness, etc. Had to take the shot as is, because he was already staring me down. I've practiced shooting with my pack but only a couple times. Not a big deal with a small pack, but never done it with large pack. Thanks for the advice.
I pack my meat-carrying internal frame backpack on all walk-in hunts where there is any chance at all of shooting big game. Most larger packs are somewhat collapsible with straps and ties. It isn’t much heavier or bulkier than a day pack for still-hunting etc., but all that extra space certainly comes in handy when needed.
If it's a quality pack with a separate meat shelf, it doesn't really matter how big the bag is. It'll haul more than you can (safely) carry, unless your Cam Hanes. If you're loading up your actual bag with meat, then I'd bring the bigger pack.
I pretty much always just use my MR Sawtooth 45 during deer/elk season. Even if I’m only hunting within a couple/few miles from the truck, that’s still extra time and effort before I could start hauling meat out. Plus my pack will compress down pretty small and as long as I don’t bring everything plus the kitchen sink it’s pretty light.
I think the first thing I would do is find a hunting partner that is capable of carrying more than a deer quarter. But to answer your question I use a large packs for all my hunts. I got tired of having to go back to the truck to get a bigger pack
Ok, I took my Alps Commander to the range yesterday just to see how it felt shooting my bow with it on. No issues out to 55 and 65. I'll be taking it out next week when I go back to fill my second tag. Thank you everyone
I don’t go on a hunt without my sg 6900. Day hunt or backcountry. Just how much stuff in it changes. It condenses down very small and fits me well. I like having the ability to hike out as much as my body can handle when necessary. Going back for a different pack is a waste of time and energy in my book.
That's a loaded question but let me take a shot....I always fail large....if I need the extra room it's built in, especially if I'm packing game out...however I do find that the more room I have the more I am tempted to take along with me.

I run a Mystery Ranch Metcalf and a Marshal for more extreme conditions here in the Rockies....It has the meat shelf built in and I have found it quite capable of performing both well as a pack and as game removal pack frame. Just my 2 cents.
I also use a MR Metcalf and I can put everything and then some in for a multiple day trip or just enough for a couple of hours.
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