
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers in DC


Active member
Jan 28, 2013
Omaha, NE
I want to let everyone know about the genuine efforts Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (BHA) is making to grow, protect and preserve public land for generations to come. Some might see things like Pint Nights or other social events done by BHA and wonder what BHA is doing to impact hunters and anglers or is it just a feel good movement. Well I want you to know they are putting their money where their mouth is and impacting people where it matters.

In May, BHA chapter members from across the nation gathered in Washington, D.C., to advocate for the reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), America’s most popular and successful conservation program. Instead of bringing just lobbyists or people of bias they brought in real hunters and anglers from across the country to tell real stories and show how much LWCF means to them. For those of you who may not be completely familiar with the LWCF, since 1965 it has been funded from the collection of tax revenues received from offshore drilling and can be allocated to state and federal projects, up to $900 million in total per year. The fund is used for a wide variety of projects such as buying more land, improving state parks, and building local parks including baseball fields and playgrounds. Alaska has received $143 million alone over the years!

In September the LWCF is EXPIRING. As you know the government runs a deficit and everyone wants to get their hands on money for their interests. This is a quiet program that creates immeasurable benefits but would be easy for DC to just let it expire and slowly die off unless people stand up for it. People like us.


Day 1: I flew from Fairbanks, AK which took the entire first day (Monday) and then we spent the evening getting to know the other members who had made the trip. Some really awesome folks that I will stay in contact with!
Day 2: We spent our first day in DC on the Hill training on the LWCF, DC etiquette, and most importantly effective communication strategies, taught by fellow HTer, Ben Long. It was awesome! I learned a great deal and built on some foundational communication skills. We spent the vening prepping for our visits the next day
Day 3: This was show time! I along with BHA experts such as Tim Brass and John Gale met with the offices of Rep. Don Young and Sen. Lisa Murkowski. We told them why we were there, why LWCF is so important, and asked how we could help them. They truly listen and good conversation was made. Both offices fully support LWCF currently but the most important part was to bring the importance of LWCF to their staff’s attention and emphasize the time that is running out. These were strategic visits because of the positions they hold and impact they can make. Sen Murkowksi is the Chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee and Rep Young is the most senior member of the House along with being on the Natural Resource Committee.
Day 4: A loooong day back to AK but a day to reflect on the impact made, BHA roots that were started in DC and new friendships.

The Land and Water Conservation Fund is expiring in September. BHA is working hard to get it permanently reauthorized rallying it’s the members and making our voices heard. If you have LWCF success stories please do share on this thread. The best advice I can give is to work with your state BHA chapter to stay informed and contact your representatives and emphasize the importance of LWCF.

Ben do you have anything to add?

If you want some quality information, BHA’s Podcast done by Hal Herring has some outstanding information about LWCF discussed during interviews with representatives such as Senator Heinrich of NM. I will try post more updates from BHA and the steps you can take to help but I wanted to post this update so you all were aware of the efforts currently being made.

See BHA’s press release about our trip here:
Lots of LWCF info here:

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It was great time and democracy in action. Thanks for making the long haul to DC. LWCF is WAY to important to let expire. One of the most gratifying thing about my years of involvement with BHA is seeing "boots on the ground" making a real difference. Politicians still care about voters and the world is run by those who show up. Good on you for showing up.
It was great time and democracy in action. Thanks for making the long haul to DC. LWCF is WAY to important to let expire. One of the most gratifying thing about my years of involvement with BHA is seeing "boots on the ground" making a real difference. Politicians still care about voters and the world is run by those who show up. Good on you for showing up.

It was great meeting you Ben. I definitely felt like us showing up made a difference. They seem to really value it when a citizen of their state comes all the way to DC and so they listen. The impact of these meetings has immense value compared to ranting on Facebook or complaining to a neighbor. Like you said, the politicians still care about the voters and who shows up.

Thank you for your well led training!
Here is an email update I just received from the BHA President and CEO, Land Tawney:

The stoke level was high last week in D.C.! We held our largest ever fly-in with 22 volunteer participants and seven staff, all in the name of the Land and Water Conservation Fund – the No. 1 outdoors access tool in America.

BHA badasses from AK, CA, CO, ID, MI, MT, NV, NM, NY, OH, OR, PA, WA and WI descended on Capitol Hill and took part in 42 meetings with congressional offices. Participants ranged from conservation stalwarts like Tom Healy from Montana to young guns from our college clubs. We even had our youngest participant ever, Sydney, age 17, who came with her father. The vast majority of our conversations about LWCF were very positive. We held a reception on Wednesday night, and not only was it well attended by our members and conservation partners, Sen. Heinrich (D-NM) and Sen. Gardner (R-CO) also stopped by. We flew in Hal Herring who recorded podcasts with Sens. Heinrich, Burr (R-NC), Bennett (D-CO) and Congressman Marshall (R-KS) — two Rs and 2 Ds, demonstrating that bipartisanship still exists in this country. Watch for their release in the coming weeks.

After their good work on the hill, our grassroots soldiers went home even more fired up with the tools to make change possible. One of those tools was an all-day media training put on by former BHA chairman, Outdoor Life contributor and communications pro Ben Long. For those who know Ben, who received our Mike Beagle Chairman Award this year, this note from him truly is significant: “Great seeing you in D.C. Went home as inspired as I’ve been in a long while.” Simple and sweet.

For those that couldn’t make it out to D.C., you can still play part. Take action by calling your senators and representatives today. Call 202-224-3121 and say where you're from. Then let the folks in D.C. know that you want permanent reauthorization and full funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund. You also can take action here.

BHA is made up of doers — let’s do!

Onward and upward,

Land Tawney, BHA President and CEO
I greatly appreciate your efforts, guys! Clearly flies in the face of the interweb critics of BHA as "green decoy." I continue to be impressed by the substance and practice of my CO chapter and the Nat'l organization as well. If you have not joined, please consider doing so, in support of keeping public lands public.
Thanks mr. steve and Ben Long for making the trip to DC and representing the interests of Hunters and Anglers everywhere.
Thank you for making the trip, Steve. Wish I could have made it as well. I know Montana was well represented. DM on instagram incoming.
Wish I had known about this organization prior to your trip to DC. I work in the neighborhood and would have loved to meet up, but either way you just gained another member. Definitely shoot me a pm if you guys head back out this way anytime soon.
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