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back from Namibia

Glad you had a great trip and hunt. I know what you are talking about when you say you go back in time. Such a wonderful place and people in Namibia. I hope to get back there again one day.
Thanks for the info. I called Badlands and unfortunately they said my 35" Hoyt vector turbo will not fit in the terraglide as its only good up to 32". It's back back to the drawing board I guess. Thanks though.
Hey Mixedbag, what is your route to the beach?
If you are on Interstate 75, you will only be about 30 minutes from my house. Drop by, use my place as an enroute motel! Would love to meet you and share lies!
I head straight down 95;17 hrs each way with 5 kids along.Talk about fun,lol.If they weren't along, I'd definitely take the detour and meet up.Never been to Tennessee;thanks for the offer