Caribou Gear Tarp

Back for a bit

Thanks every one, there will be more forthcoming, I have a story line I have been trying to follow..

Well... Sort of... :D
This is the way most of the signs in the area looked, it cleaned the clock on all advertisements in the whole region, there was one sign post along the free way that I kept trying to get a picture of, it was steel and had a base of I am guessing about 8-10 feet across and 60' tall it was bent over by the ground and looked pretty rough.

I know i've shown the top pic before, but if you look close you will see what that sign looked like, the difference is the ones by the freeway are far more massive than this one....



Well back to Biloxi...

Here is a room with a great view, I wonder if they will raise their rates now since every one has seaside rooms with a full view of the ocean...



Another hotel with the same problem...


Heres one with some real issues...

Only half of it is left, that side that had the best ocean views of course...


Notice right in front of this hotel, the foundation that is there and no building, this was the norm for most every building along the water front, a foundation base and no building around to sit upon it...


Apartments that have seen far better days....


and still yet....
More to follow...
As another day dawns on this continuing saga, for those who are interested...


The wave that came over the area of Biloxi, did quite a bit of damage to the gambling establishments...

Here is one big one that was put on the other side of the road from where it used to sit in the bay...

This thing covered an area of about two city blocks, notice the yellow thing on the left bottom of the building, it is a huge front end loader, I don't know what they are planning on doing with it in conjuction with this structure, but it is pretty dwarfed by this casino...


Heres a casino in the shape of a ship, it didn't seem to get moved as the other had, but there is considarable damge non the less...



Some one went around and wrote this slogan with spray paint on a huge amount of buildings and structures, even some that had nothing left to loot because the buildings were all gone...


Back to a few more businesses in Biloxi and surrounds that still had structures up, but any thing that resembled a wall was gone...




There was so many places and things to take pictures of and my camera broke when we were only a little more than a week there, so I didn't get pics of every thing I wanted...

There are still more to come though...

Hope you guy's enjoy what's here now though....

Russ... :)
Well, here I am again for those interested in this unfolding story...

Heres a pic of a trailer that seemed to get stopped in the nick of time...


A buss that has seen better day's


The reason we were in this particular area was to build these shelters...


All tolled, we put up about 50 this size and a number of smaller ones.

They were used as emergency shelters for people, schools, business, churchs, and police stations.

This group for example is being utilized for a Catholic school. It is where we did the bulk of our work and set up a bunch of shelters.


Our crew got good enough with putting these up that we could have them placed and ready in about 45 minutes, that includes lighting, air conditioning, insulation...

The only thing that wouldn't be finished with the whole process when we walked away is the actual stocking of contents that went with each one and the actual connecting up of the air conditioning units, that was left up to licenced professionals.

My camera quit working, so I wasn't able to get pictures of a complete house sitting on the tracks, or the house plopped right up against the gas pumps at a Shell station, awaiting fill up.

I would also liked to have pics of the other work we did, cleaning up yards the last few day's we were there.

We would go in, cut all the debris up and haul it out to the street on designated addresses.

The most fulfilling job we completed was of a lady running an animal shelter.

The wave coming in had washed trees and every thing else into her place (about 5 acres). Some of it was 10' deep.

Right when we pulled onto the property, a guy came in with a a bob cat with a grabber bucket on the front and proceeded to help us with the heaviest stuff to move, along with stumps and a few mounds of soil we wouldn't have been able to work with.

The lady had every one who found animals dropping them off, and others wanting to see if she had collected theirs.

The Red Cross had delivered a couple U-Hauls full of food and water for the lady and her growing animal population, but the place when we first got there was the scene of destruction and pure mayhem.

Loose animals every where, piling up garbage, and debris lying every where, with the buildings just a mess, trees lying on them and a silt covering clear over the roof.

When we left, the place was really pretty cleaned up of heavy debis, a couple extra shelters up and one happy woman who broke down into a heaving batch of sobs and tears as we were getting ready to leave.

Here will be the last pic of the area unless I am requested to place more here. I have a few more in my stuff that I haven't downloaded.

It seemed every where you went, loose flags were hung back up, for all to see, it was really awsome to see the people in the midst of all the destruction that surrounded every one, no matter where one went, and American flags placed where ever they could be hung with obvious pride and a show of determination that they would be back to re populate the area.


I hope every one enjoyed the show, I know the media didn't do any justice for Mississippi in any of their news casts. I now have a very strong distaste for FEMA and what they stand for, and a better appreciation for the Red Cross.

The people of the Red Cross really do come in to help and give an awful lot of themselves, plus what they do is all volunteer.

My hats really off to the work they do...

Russ... :)

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