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Back child support tied to hunting privilege


Active member
Oct 26, 2019
Here in Utah the state is hitting people who are in arrears on their child support where it hurts! The state is revoking their hunting and fishing privileges! I personally think it’s a good idea because if you aren’t taking responsibility for your children you shouldn’t have the PRIVILEGE of hunting or fishing...
Tell me what you think.
This thread was posted yesterday, and I am cross-posting what I said there:

This is objectively a great idea that I support. However, important caveat: nothing like this should ever be applied without case by case consideration to some extent. I have a close friend who is a good father and hard worker, who has absolutely been obliterated by lawyers and his ex-wife when it comes to their child support, alimony, and parenting legality. He has never been criminally delinquent, but he has had to work with the lawyers and judge on extensions, exceptions, etc.

Again, I support this law in principle, and probably in 90% + of the instances it is appropriate. Let's just remember that there can be (and are) cases where there is more than meets the eye with this sometimes.
Been around various states for many years. I don’t object, as if you can’t pay for your kids you shouldn’t be paying for your tags. What I don’t like is, where is the parallel rules for women? I know women hunt, but not nearly at the rate of men. My ex owed me child support (not your average situation) and didn’t pay me (or better put our daughter) a dime for the 8 years the order was in place. Or what about the mom who denies court ordered visitation. I support getting tough on divorced parents who don’t live up to their obligations, but would be good to make it go both ways. I have never heard of a state limiting access to other state regulated “luxuries” that may be more popular with women or more gender neutral.
This thread was posted yesterday, and I am cross-posting what I said there:

This is objectively a great idea that I support. However, important caveat: nothing like this should ever be applied without case by case consideration to some extent. I have a close friend who is a good father and hard worker, who has absolutely been obliterated by lawyers and his ex-wife when it comes to their child support, alimony, and parenting legality. He has never been criminally delinquent, but he has had to work with the lawyers and judge on extensions, exceptions, etc.

Again, I support this law in principle, and probably in 90% + of the instances it is appropriate. Let's just remember that there can be (and are) cases where there is more than meets the eye with this sometimes.

Always exceptions, although Utah's proposed law takes that into account in large part because it only applies to those who are in arrears more than $2,500, which for all intents and purposes is a month or two of support.
Here in Utah the state is hitting people who are in arrears on their child support where it hurts! The state is revoking their hunting and fishing privileges! I personally think it’s a good idea because if you aren’t taking responsibility for your children you shouldn’t have the PRIVILEGE of hunting or fishing...
Tell me what you think.
Nevada does it also.
Always exceptions, although Utah's proposed law takes that into account in large part because it only applies to those who are in arrears more than $2,500, which for all intents and purposes is a month or two of support.

I pay $3000 a month so yeah, for some folks its just one missed payment from losing your hunting privilege.
Az. has had the law for years,one of my hunting buddies hasn't hunted for years.
Now he's so far behind in payments he probably will never hunt again.It's all on
him for letting things get to this point Your wants and needs should follow your
childrens needs.Take care of family first.
My ex,took her for a ride in the desert.
No more wants,no more needs... ;) -〽💥
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