Not sure danr...sure that Delw would know, all I got was the pic and the below story:
Terry Herndon's record class pronghorn scores 86 B&C and the horns measured 16 inches, with prongs measuring 6.5 inches on both sides. Herndon believes his pronghorn will be in the top five of world records for muzzleloaders.
TLH shot the goat, on the east side of unit 8, His hunt was the same time as mine. He had been watching in for months and I believe he told me 2 years as well. This was his first choice but I think his second choice was bigger than this one.(if its the same one that I saw) Him and I both saw a toad of a buck on the far west side of unit 8 (different times of cource).
Thanks again Delw...the story/pics came from a WesternHunter news service I belong to. They send out (fairly intermittent) news, updates, stories, etc. on typically Western issues.
Yup...electronic about every couple of weeks plus hunters alerts (legislative bulletins) as they happen. Pm me if you want the addy as its a free subscription.
Some of the biggest lopes I have seen are in the pine.
I think this one was shot on the edge a prairie, he has to stalk it a few times if I remember right.