
AZ to Limit NR Archery-Only Deer Tags

I wanted to see if you had the backbone to post his name on his forum, clearly not.
Umm I did right now I’ve done it before if you would dig it up. I clearly don’t agree with it but it doesn’t matter what I think. He made his comments on it, outcome wasn’t going to be different. I don’t see value in blowing up hunts or areas but like I said I’m the minority.
There is a podcast on it. I think from Jay Scott but I’m not sure. I would be curious about the numbers that @rustednuts mentioned. Maybe we have just become more effective hunters. I know the podcast didn’t name many names or any because they were his friends. They certainly took money from Arizona fish and game to promote it though. Business models and public land hunting doesn’t sit well with me. I can tell I’m the minority though.
Jay Scott is a great resource and has provided a lot of information on how to locate and kill Coues. The higher success rates are a bigger squeeze on the resource than hunter numbers. Hunter success almost doubling is going to put a hurt on resouce. If we want to cast blame, which I don't think we should complain about the guys giving glassing tips, better optics and more accurate bows.
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Besides a newly implemented harvest threshold for each respective unit this year, the Commission will also begin to limit the amount of non-resident, over-the counter, archery-only deer tags beginning January 1, 2023. Here is a portion of the letter sent to non-residents who have previously purchased a AO deer tag:

Effective January 1, 2023:

• A limited number of OTC archery deer non-permit tags will be available for purchase by non-residents for the 2023 calendar year. The number of tags available will be determined by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission prior to the date of sale for these tags.

• The approximate date of sale for these tags will be November 2023.

• A valid 2023 OTC archery nonpermit-tag is required to hunt all open seasons during the 2023 calendar year. The seasons include: Jan 1-31, 2023 Aug 18-Sept 8, 2023, and Dec 8-31, 2023.

• Once all available non-resident nonpermit-tags have been sold, no additional tags will be available for purchase by non-residents for the 2023 calendar year.

• Non-resident OTC archery deer nonpermit-tags will no longer be available for purchase at third-party retailers. More information on the availability of these tags is forthcoming, but will require purchase directly from an Arizona Game and Fish Department Office.

For more information on changes to the OTC archery deer hunting opportunity, visit AZGFD’s website ( , or call 602-942-3000
Thanks for the info. I've been told but now I've been able to read and understand it myself. Thanks again
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