Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

AZ Hunting?

Just got the word today, I got the job! Next step is to figure out a starting date sometime between January and March of 2017, a little later than I wanted but either way it's great news!

Hopefully I'll be able to meet some of you AZ guys this coming winter!
I've bowhunted AZ for over 35 years as a non-resident........LOVE that state and it's bowhunting opportunities so much, I'll be retiring there in less than 2 years. I've already bought my little piece of heaven in the White Mountains where elk frequent my property on a daily basis.......can't wait to watch them from my front porch!
You're not too late to apply for a deer and sheep point this year. If you're moving there next year, you might as well. And if you ever find yourself without an elk tag in your new home state, southwest CO, and its endless OTC opportunities, is an easy drive away.
My buddy in Wyoming just drew another archery elk tag just south of Flagstaff after also drawing it in 2011. We were into elk 13 of the 14 days even though we had rain the first 9 days and can't wait to get back there now that we know the area.
IMO, Arizona, more than any other State is probably under appreciated for the amount of outdoor recreation it can provide.

Its too easy to focus on the Strip/Kaibab deer, a couple early elk rifle hunts, and dwell on the fact you'll never draw them.

Thankfully I was never in a position point wise, to waste my time chasing the dream units. Early on I knew that if I wanted to hunt AZ it wasn't going to be early elk rifle unit 10, it wasn't going to be late Kaibab mule deer either.

If I lived in Arizona I would concentrate on tags and units that I could draw every 2-3 years for both deer and elk. The late rifle elk hunts are very good if you put the effort in. I think there are some under appreciated mule deer and coues deer permits that a serious hunter could spend time scouting that could really pay off. Tags that could be drawn many times over a decade of applying.

There is also great opportunity for quail hunting, turkey hunting, javelina every year.

If I lived in AZ I would also hunt predators and try to get a lion without dogs.

Also, the fishing in Arizona that I've done has been nothing short of spectacular. The striper/white bass fishing in Pleasant...amazing had 100 fish days, and they are great eating. Bartlett, Roosevelt, Apache, all some of the best bass fishing I've ever had.

Arizona is a much more diverse State in both country and wildlife than most realize that haven't spent time there.

I've had some of my best days in the field in Arizona...I don't like it enough to move there, but I can think of a lot, lot worse places to call home.
Bowhunter60..............I just noticed that you are in Palm Desert, not too far from me. I've hunted javelina nearly every year as a family event since my kids were in diapers, but now they are adults and live out of state. I stopped hunting javelina when my kids left the nest, didn't like doing it alone. Would like to hunt them again but not by myself. Maybe we can hook up. I will be hunting in Adak AK Jan 12-20 but maybe after that or the H.A.M. hunt.
Sounds great to me. I've never hunted Javelina, but now that I am retired, I'm anxious to get out and harvest several animals I didn't get a chance to before. Since you have hunted Javelina before, I'll rely on your expertise and knowledge. When would you like to go? Do you hunt them with archery tackle or rifle?

Bowhunter60..............I just noticed that you are in Palm Desert, not too far from me. I've hunted javelina nearly every year as a family event since my kids were in diapers, but now they are adults and live out of state. I stopped hunting javelina when my kids left the nest, didn't like doing it alone. Would like to hunt them again but not by myself. Maybe we can hook up. I will be hunting in Adak AK Jan 12-20 but maybe after that or the H.A.M. hunt.