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The story behind these are as follows:
The bottom two are a cow elk that a friend got 3.5 miles back up in 5A north diablo canyon area 3 years ago. Cow elk weighing approximately 480 pounds dressed. It took 4 of us to pack it out. I am in the back carrying the rear leg and hind quarter.
The mound of dirt next to us is a large water tank.(side note: the same guy took another one in the same area two years later and then there were only two of us to haul it out) Logged 25 miles hiking that day.
The 3 deer are from the Kaibab about 4-5 years ago and were all taken by 8 am on the 2nd day. Did that because some nasty weather was moving in and one of the guys mother was real sick and we had to leave after only 3 days. We left the morning after these were taken. Mine (on the right)was the largest a 3x4 with 20" spread, only dressed out @ 125lbs.