Caribou Gear Tarp

AZ deer, sheep

Mid-week, next week, I am guessing. I would be real surprised if they come out this week.
I'm guessing on Friday but only because they came out on the 18th last year and they seem to be pretty consistant.
AZ...WTF??? Still no results, I know they suck when it comes to running draws but come on, it is dang near August!
I drew hunts 1023 and 6024. Hunt 6024 is about 70 miles from my house, Take Care, JLG.
Wow a lot of hunttalkers drawing tags. Congrats to all of you. I look forward to seeing the pictures from Arizona. I wasn't lucky this year which is ok as I have a pretty full slat for November.
Congrats on the sheep tag, JLG! Sure hope you post the story here. Good luck!
Didnt draw squat. I have 7 pts for deer and thought I had a decent chance at a strip tag. Maybe next year. JLG, congrats on the sheep tag.
CONGRATS TO JLG!!!!! Whack a biggun and post story and pics!!!

Damn, I didn't draw again.....oh, wonder....I just continued my points!

And for the two of you who said you have 7 points, I hope you are young, unlike me, so you can actually draw before you die!!! I hope AZ appreciates my hopeless Sheep draw money!!!
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I need to amend the distance the unit is from my house technically it starts about 5 miles from my place. The sheep are a bit farther out. Should be fun, Take Care, JLG.

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