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AZ CC Hits

Report it as fraud so I have another chance ;)
Ha! I wasn’t sure if there were instances where cards will show a pending charge for a person who was not successful in the draw. I can’t think of a reason why that would be the case but I wanted to keep my excitement level in check.
Nothing for me or my minor applicants, yet. Hoping they save the longest shots for last. Congrats to those drawn!
I got nothing (expected) - my CO archery partner got hit for Late Archery Elk again - it's a 'low end' hunt, but he had it last year and was in elk constantly for 5 days. I may try and tag along this year.
Nothing for me yet but I didn’t have much chance for the elk tags I put in for
This will be my 2nd Northern AZ antelope permit. Crazy luck. I applied for some of the most difficult to draw rifle areas, so it will be a fun one.

Makes sense, I always apply for the easiest archery permits and strike out.. time to change my strategy Haha