New member
I found this site while hanging out on and thought I would post some pics of a bull I shot during the archery season. I shot this bull on opening morning after following the herd for about three hours. I had been watching this herd on four different days and knew there was a bull, but he would never show himself. He sounded big so I just kept with them 3-4 hours a day to get used to there habits. I finally saw him for about five seconds two days before my hunt started. I ended up shooting him at 34 yards directly in the heart. He only ran 50 yards and died within 10 minutes. While looking back through pics of different bulls I had taken during scouting I found one of my bull about two miles away from where I shot it. It is the last pic. The bull gross scores 370 1/2. His eye gaurds are over 21 inches. David