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AZ 2015 elk/antelope regs online

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
I think this might be the earliest I have ever seen the AZ regs on their website. Here you go. Think I will pull another pronghorn tag this year with my 5 points, letting the elk rest for a year.

The deadline this year is February 10, 2015.
Thanks big fin, i see its out, worth a read, i think i will be point accumulating again and see where my 15 elk points will land me in 2016. Decisions decisions...they must be made wisely at this stage of the game!
Wow that 9 muzzy tag is something being before archery. Oh to have several more points than I currently have.
So, I did a quick search on the "tags" forum threads and couldn't find anything right away so i'm hoping for a down and dirty answer to this. For just purchasing a bonus point do you also have to purchase a hunting license?

I'm interested in building points after reading the most recent edition of a magazine sent to me highlighting Arizona (the merits of which have been debated on this very website). Either way, I would be interested in trying to build points to one day be able to hunt here once I get this elk hunting thing figured out. But, if it is going to take upwards of 5 points as Fin currently has (or 16 as this magazine indicated to get a "trophy colored" unit) I don't want to put up $160 a year just to get points. If it's gonna take 16 years that puts me into it for almost 3K for a tag. I can do $50 like Wyoming but not 3x's that much; especially if I am trying to gain bonus points in multiple states. Please tell me I have this wrong.
You gotta buy a hunting license in order to build points in AZ.
It's a long row to hoe to get a quality tag in Az, starting the game now imho you can plan a great hunt in 2040 and I'm not kidding. If you think the elk tags are tough look at the Antelope draw odds. Lol. Hope you're a Young Man. If the stars align right and your applying in a unit that is not full allotted to the Max pt applicants then you got a shot by 2030. Good Luck. Az has great trophy animals , I burned my elk pts several years ago and took a nice bull in unit 1
AZ, like UT, now has a 365 day tag. Plan wisely and can apply in two years with a single tag purchase. Buy license near end of application period Year 1 and then apply early in application period in Year 2.

That said, the points game is a losing strategy for a NR wanting to draw a high quality tag. Seriously, do you want to wait 10 to 30 years to hunk elk once per state and that might be the year spring rains are thin so antlers are weak or the Feds shut down access as part of budget standoff or a forest fire, etc etc.

If you have to wait a decade to have a high quality hunt as a NR in each state, might be better off skipping those states and just buying a tag from a landowner in NM or CO for a decent hunt every few years. You can count on having that tag that year. Or, focus on MT where they price NR tags high enough to basically create OTC tags you can buy into early autumn in recent years. In the draw, nothing is a lock but MT is basically OTC now. Some folks need to plan for time off work almost a year ahead so getting tag draw results a few weeks before a hunt starts is just not practical.

Also, states change the point game frequently. Prices for licenses, applications and tags for NR has gone up much more than inflation as a whole across the West.

I realize the concept of landowner tags is not popular with most of us since those tags could have been in the regular draw otherwise. I am making the point that if you are mostly an elk, deer and/or pronghorn hunter that the points games as a NR is an expensive multi-year expenditure for a handful of high-quality tags during your hunting life where you are bound to get screwed along the journey by each state in some fashion after you are a decade into the points game.

If you are after bighorn sheep and will hustle after those tags as a NR across the West then might as well apply for elk/deer/pronghorn if you are going to buy a license to apply anyway (AZ, NV, UT, OR, etc). Just know in the points games as a NR you are dating a supermodel who does not respect you once your wallet gets thin.
If you are going to try to use the same license to build points in Arizona for two years, read the regulations VERY carefully or you will end up VERY disappointed. It's not the same as Utah. I'm not saying it can't be done, but use caution.
Thanks for all the advice! I'm 30 years old so hopefully I have 30 more years of hunting in me. However, after reading some of the other threads on PP systems and hearing your advice on here I don't think I'm gonna toss my hat into the ring for Arizona. Even though there is the possibility of only having to pay the license fee every other year it still seems like too much of a cost to just get the chance at getting a tag in 15-30 years. Looks like the Wyoming general tag every other year along with CO otc tags and the Montana combo tags will keep me busy for those 30 years.
Good luck drawing an antelope tag with 5 points. I always applied for archery and finally drew with 17 points.
Thanks for all the advice! I'm 30 years old so hopefully I have 30 more years of hunting in me. However, after reading some of the other threads on PP systems and hearing your advice on here I don't think I'm gonna toss my hat into the ring for Arizona. Even though there is the possibility of only having to pay the license fee every other year it still seems like too much of a cost to just get the chance at getting a tag in 15-30 years. Looks like the Wyoming general tag every other year along with CO otc tags and the Montana combo tags will keep me busy for those 30 years.

Bad decision on Arizona...applying smartly and consistently, you can hunt AZ a lot.

This will be my 15th year applying in AZ and in that time I've drawn 6 or 7 javelina tags, 2 late coues whitetail tags, 3 bull elk tags, and desert sheep. I will draw another late coues tag this year, and another elk tag in 2016. Taking the javelina tags away, that's one great tag about every other year...

There are other states I would not apply for wayyy before Arizona.
I'll be 59 in a cpl weeks. I sure hope I go further than 60....

If your only interest in AZ is an early bow or rifle tag, your time estimate is probably a good one. I drew my glory tag a cpl years ago and going forward with 2 perm points, I don't see a scenario where i will ever have more than 5 Elk points; but, early hunts are off the table.

Nothing wrong with your WY, MT, CO strategy.
Glad I waited till the last minute, got my bonus point apps in but can't get my hunting license purchase to go through! Hope it works soon..........:confused:
Glad I waited till the last minute, got my bonus point apps in but can't get my hunting license purchase to go through! Hope it works soon..........:confused:

I'm in the same boat, my license from last year expires today so it won't let me buy another one. I'm happy to log in tomorrow and buy it so I can collect a point, but I'll be on a plane for a good portion of the day. I was going to go long shot draw in 10, but the hunt is over my quarter close and knowing my dumbchit luck I'd actually draw it and have to quit my job.
I can't figure out when I bought my 2014 license since I can't find it in my license file at home. It had my license on file when I applied but I was having trouble finding the purchase date online.

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