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Hey Flipper,
Very nice buck!!!!! beings that i also hunt in tennessee alot i know how much a trophy for that area that that buck is!!! congrats ! were you on state or private land ????
I left that out was on private land which we have had since 1989.

Also yes I was hunting for any legal buck.
We have our own QDM program on our lease....
we shoot every 1 1/2 year old buck we see and let the mature deer grow and breed.LOL
We do not disciminate nor do we trophy hunt...we hunt and kill deer...period

All joking aside we do what the state wants to do which is control the overall deer population....and we try to do our part.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-16-2002 19:44: Message edited by: FLIPPER ]</font>