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Avoid user bobbydneuman

That is the down side to social media, for sure. There is no place safe from sickos. I would leave it in the hands of the big nephew. I have a kid in Milwaukee that would love a road trip for that kind of fun, also.
Could be he got hacked or spoofed. Don't know the guy so I can't say if I think he did it or not.
Could be he got hacked or spoofed. Don't know the guy so I can't say if I think he did it or not.

He didn't deny sending an email, just claimed there was no way that Mrs. Fin was the recipient. And he didn't deny that he had such perverted items on his computer.

Dude sounded drunk or methed up when I talked to him. I have a suspicion, possibly an incorrect suspicion, that he is one of those internet weirdos who does things that might put him in contact with women and girls, of all ages, and does this kind of stuff. Maybe I am wrong, but tomorrow I'm going to follow up on my online TIP report and let the authorities in Ohio decide if he was hacked or if he is the kind of guy anyone with a wife/daughter should be worried about.
Randy, sorry you and your wife are going through this. As a woman who has received similar unsolicited (don't anyone misconstrue that to mean I do solicit such, I don't) emails, I am glad that you didn't just ignore it, but are putting the pressure on him. Perhaps it will prevent that from happening to another person.

I say "unsolicited" because what people request is between them, but this is akin to the naked flashers in trench coats of old, only the anonymity of the internet emboldens many. Whether it is unacceptable social behaviors like death threats, d**k pics, bullying, too many do or say as they wish without fear of any kind of meaningful reprisal, feeling protected from discovery, hiding behind usernames and throwaway accounts.

One of the things I have deeply respected about you and your wife is the time you take to moderate and manage this forum, creating a better environment. I know the time and energy involved in that process. Thank you.
Sorry you have to deal with this creep and your wife was recipient. She did not ask for or deserve this bs and neither did you.

If your relatives need a place to show him some real manners,I might know a remote place or two.
Certainly sounds like the police need to be involved in this and soon before his computer gets cleaned. The guy seems to have some problems that need to be dealt with before they manifest themselves outside the virtual world. Sorry this happened to your family.
I hope the cops can nail his butt to the wall. I have zero tolerance for that sort of thing. There was a guy bugging my wife(then fiance) right before her and I got married. He wasn't sending pictures or anything, just suggesting nasty things to her. It was all fun and games until I got a hold of him. Creeps.
Randy keep doing what your doing. Sorry to here that msFinn had to be the recipient of another sick o's actions he will get his.
Thoughts and prayers
Whats that I hear? Sounds like a computer being throw in a river in Ohio. lol
The creeps that prey on women and children need to be strung up. There is a special place in Hell for those types.

I hope Ms. Finn is doing well. So sorry that she has to endure this.

I strongly agree with the legal followup, but am not optimistic. Laws on the internet are screwy. I hope I am wrong
Thanks for the heads up! I am never shocked anymore of what people do. That scares me!!
Well seeing as he used his full name as his profile name, maybe he sent it to her by accident. Probably just a weird guy, but it is a possibility it was meant for another.
Yuck, sorry Randy and Mrs. Fin...

Definitely does not sound like a hack, I hope your follow-up with law enforcement puts the guy in his place. I have daughters and a wife, can't imagine some sicko pulling that with them...
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