AUM prices up?

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
You might be better off on public land if you eat grass.

I've heard the grazing fee for Western public lands on U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management land will be $1.79 per animal unit month this year, up from $1.43 in 2004. Anyone know if that's true?

The trailhead fee or parking fee for river access for a human is $3 a DAY on public lands.

I'm gonna start grazing on grass when I'm hiking and boating and pay the lower fee. :D
I'm not sure if its true or not but it seems like anymore anything that has the word public and refers to land, blm or wilderness, what was ment for EVERYONES use know costs us the puplic more..... what we payed into with our taxes just is not enough I guess, therefor the fees and so on!!!!
I hope that came out the way I ment
A Buck-Seventy-Nine??? It costs more than that to feed my dog per month. I can't even feed the cat for that amount.

Look at it this way, calves turned out on BLM land are going to put on 2 pounds per day, minimum. 60 pounds per month for a $1.79. At the $1.00+ per pound for calves, you quickly see that the subsidy for welfare ranchers is destroying the free enterprise system of this country.
you quickly see that the subsidy for welfare ranchers is destroying the free enterprise system of this country :rolleyes:

A portion of grazing fees paid by ranchers to the Bureau of Land Management for range improvement also would be diverted to the treasury, roughly $10 million, according to the budget.

The plan assumes new grazing regulations scheduled for release in the coming months will allow ranchers to share ownership and the cost of capital improvements they make on the public land.

BLM budget officer Mike Ferguson said the agency plans to use maintenance funding and grants to make up the $10 million

If it is a welfare program how can there be money that is going into the treasury?

Nemont, Here's 1 pointer's answer to your same question on the other thread:

"A portion of every grazing bill paid by a permittee goes into a fund that is set aside for range improvements only. So, from the improvements fund there's always a bit of money as we usually can't spend the money as fast as it's collected."

Other than that, I'd bet the gummint can come up with some smoke and mirrors accounting to get ten million bucks outta the grazing program. Actually, they could start charging fair market prices and probably raise $50-$100 million. Suppose the start charging even $5 per AUM?
I wonder what happens to the cost of an item to us as consumers when the raw price cost goes up?
It seems that it happens ever 10 or so years with the fuel prices....
Matter of fact, seems like it just did recently... ;)
To anyone interested, here are AUM rates since 1988. Have fun with the info. :D

  • 1989 $1.86
  • 1990 $1.81
  • 1991 $1.97
  • 1992 $1.92
  • 1993 $1.86
  • 1994 $1.98
  • 1995 $1.61
  • 1996 $1.35
  • 1997 $1.35
  • 1998 $1.35
  • 1999 $1.35
  • 2000 $1.35
  • 2001 $1.35
  • 2002 $1.43
  • 2003 $1.35
  • 2004 $1.43
  • 2005 $1.79

Woops, I missed 1988 when it was $1.54.

I read 1 Pointer's response before and understood it. My point being is that smoke and mirrors is also what the anti grazing crowd use in their projections. Neither side looks at the entire picture.

Bambistew- I don't know about MD but here gasoline is taxed a lot (both state and federal). Are you trying to point out AUM should have state and federal excise tax added to it or are you saying $1.79 is too high a price for the use of grazing?
I have never stated the cost per AUM was too low. I think it is WAY to low and the ranchers are shooting themselves in the foot by living as if it is 1936. I have seen some state lands go for up to $21 per AUM and I think there was a case where they were bid up to $29 per AUM. I know the grazing we lease on the Fort Belknap reservation is about $18 per AUM. The issue I was bringing to light is this: Both sides use the numbers to paint an inaccurate picture.

Matt what I was tying to point out is that the price is adjusted to benifitt some, just like gas is kept at a low rate with respect to inflation to benifit you and me. Thats all...

I think that the BLM should charge quite a bit more for the grazing fee's as well.

The gasoline tax is about the same here as in MT, all I got to say is you ain't seen nothing till you spend a little time in the socialist republic of Maryland with respect to taxes... Don't get me started!
Bambi- gasoline is a bad example as the price is artificially increased due to the tax placed on it. On the flip side of this argument, you have AUM which are artificially low. The cost is "subsidized" by the government, keeping this low dollar amount. This is the reason I would guess a lot of people consider ranchers getting this low AUM, "welfare" ranchers. In their own way, they are being subsidized by the low AUM.
Cats don't sell for much at market, so bad idea to have that many. If they did maybe 'gunner would be in the pussy (cat) business. :D
Elkgunner got himself banned from the site so I can't go off on him much. So I won't comment on him going into the Pussy (cat) business.
