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ATV's who's got 'em

Its all fun and games so far, yet this thread has that serious undertone. Not being familiar with the lower 49 at all.. what do you guys think would solve the ATV issues at hand?

Here in Alaska its many things. I personally have no problem with guys using thier four wheelers to get places or to just explore along alaskas existing trail system. And trust me, their are about 12 metric shit tons of trail here in Alaska from Ruby lakes in the North to Hundreds of miles in Hatchers pass, like Purches, to Knik, to Caribou hillls on the Pen.

I would like to see restrictions on when and how people can use this off road trails.
For instance, We are not allowed to ride Mountain bikes on any of the hiking trails around from breakup to June 1st. Simply because the Ruts left in the soggy ground are pretty severe. Yet, some joker on an ATV can ride on these offroad trails anytime he pleases,as soon as the snow is minimal, he simply jumps off his snowmachine, and plops his ass on the quad and away he goes.

I would like to see motor size and tire size restrictions. Why in the World do you need a quad that has 800cc of power with 4x4, locking differentials, and 28" mud tires. JEEEZUS. There is not a thing in the interior or Alaska that will stop a machine like that. And a Polaris 6x6 that is so popular up here? Unstoppable.
(kind of a tangent here, but I don't mind those 6x6 so much, because they are SO capable the operators rarely make "go arounds" or widen trails, simply because the trail cannot get nasty enough to stop them.)

I would like to see all the trails Extensively mapped and placed on ONE Map with extensive text regarding when and what may use the trails.

I would like to see Big time Penalties for creating new trails without proper authority, or for widening existing trails because you're tooo effing lazy to winch.

I would like to see a lot more regulation on when and where and how and who can create a new trail. i don't have a problem with new trails. But I think they should be done right. I think there should be a process. In SE the USFS is in charge of maintaining and creating our trials. yet up here, NO ONE. Its a goddamn free for all. A lot of the off road clubs up here do extensive trail cleanups and trail maintenance and kudos to them for that. But they shouldn't have to. And not just anyone should be able to say ok, I want to go there, as they jab a fat finger at the map, and then hop on their machine and go there. No, if they want a trail there, then lets start the process. Get the public involved, get hunters involved. Lets make a good solid, maintainable trail happen.

Finally I would like to see same day ATV hunting banned. I can't Fly and hunt on the same day. I think all those baz-turds out there ripping around at 40mph shouldn't be able to ride and hunt on the same day. Problem is, its like gun control. Only the honest ones would pay attention, and they are generally not the ones we have a problem with anyway.

Thats MY soapbox.. for Alaska. But im curious to see the issues that the rest of the United States has. Sounds like closed areas are a big problem?
Really makes you wonder how those guys killed an elk in the first place.
Dinkshooter's mode of transport:;)

Actually this is how dinkshooter rolls here in Colorado.


  • RickDavisColoradoElkDeerBearHunt2009.jpg
    98.1 KB · Views: 74
I hate four wheelers....I'd rather walk.IMO they are about as worthless as snowmobiles....maybe I'll change my tune when I'm not able to get around well enough to hunt. Most of the guys I see using them are young guys that should be walking anyway.

I've had numerous long, hard walk in hunts wrecked by bozo's riding in on wheelers in walk in only areas. Pisses me off..

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