ATV's should be banned.........

Bruce A. Kennedy

New member
Aug 3, 2003
......from the face of the earth! I am fed up with them running all over the place. Heck, you can't hardly make a stand without somebody driving by on an ATV.

I would give $500.00 for a permit that would allow me to have one shot per year at an ATV!

What say you? Justify an ATV if you want.

Take care.
I don't own one, nor plan to own one. But your comment rings very similar to those that want to ban firearms for all, law-abiding or not. So I don't agree.

Penalize those that break the law, and enact penalties so severe that they are controversial. That would get the attention of those that may consider abusing our public lands.
Hanger, I am on your side of the fence. I am a hunter like you. I would like to ask you, "Why do we need ATV's?" I can assure you, that if done legally, you can do it with a truck or 4X4, right? But NO!, these people think they have the right to drive those ATV's any place they want. You say let law enforcement handle it? Well that doesn't seem to be working very well. I will say again, "Ban them from the face of the earth", and that will work.
I have been irritated a time or fourteen by ATV'rs while big game hunting. But boy if they didn't improve my life about 4,000% last year when we shot that big ol' buck at the very bottom of that big ol' bowl!!!!
While were at lets ban hunting with dogs to every time I go to the woods anymore here comes a dog chaseing Deer. Coon hounds, Fox hounds and rabitt beagles. And nobodys hunting dog would ever run a Deer.

To me that sounds just about like the same thing. If someone don't use them then letys ban it.
Locohead, was there a road that led up to that buck? Did you break any laws driving your ATV to retrieve that buck?

Meathead, that is like comparing apples to oranges. If that is a problem in your area, perhaps asking the local game department to ban hunting with dogs with during deer season would solve that problem, but to ban them year around, is not fair. Yes, we should all respect our right to hunt, and not offend others.

What I am saying is, ban ATV's from running all over the country; no roads or trails to drive on, and that goes back to what I am saying, "If that is the case, then you can drive your 4x4 on the roads that make it legal. In fact, drive the ATV's on legal roads, but that is not what I see happening. If ATV drivers are not going to respect the law, then ban them. Works for me.

We are all entitled to our opinion, and that is mine, and you have yours, and that is fine. Is there an ATV driver out there that says he or she can drive them anywhere, anytime they wish? Because from what I am seeing, that is the case.

Take care.
ATV's are just a tool for sportsmen to use. Blaming ATV's for the problem is like blaming guns for crime. It's the slobs who show no respect for others that should be banned from public lands.

was it in a wash? AVS 4x4's and other things are allowed in wash's.

All the atvs I have run into were because I was hunting close to a road or in a wash. I have never ran into any that was off the road..

but like its been mentioned above lets ban guns also, you cant blame atvs just some of the people using them.

after everything is gone we can always ban boots (thats what will get people farther back when the atvs are gone) and horses too.

Look at it the other way.
ATvers/hikers will want hunting banned cause you can drive/walk safely when there is a hunting season going on or target shooting.

live with it and or change your location.

What needs to happen is start taken there ATVs and fine them about $1000.00 and this crap will stop. I have a ATV that I use some times but where its legal.

Don't put all ATV riders in with the bad like some FAT ASS on here do.
Bruce - Like others have said, only take them away from people that abuse the privilage. Personally I don't think any hunter needs an ATV unless they are handicapped, and I am not willing to take hunting away from the handicapped as long as it is done right. Nothing pisses me off more than walking in somewhere for three hours only to hear a motor. I would welcome the legal harvesting of a gas tank.

There is no way anyone can objectively argue that all ATVs should be banned. People that use them in a responsible manner should not be deprived of their use because certain selfish individuals choose to turn our public lands and hunting areas into their personal playground. I have no problem telling someone to get the f**k out if I see them somewhere they shouldn't be. And if I remember right, the Idaho Statesman published that 85% of hunters agree with this opinion.

They should be banned during hunting season save for the handicapped exemption. $10,000 fine plus confiscation of all equipment present at or near hunting camp.
blah, blah, blah....Banning ATVs is gonna lead to banning guns.

Im so sick of that chickchit line.Thats a bunch feartactic BS. We dont have to put up with lazy aholes driving everywhere on these mini-trucks just because the paranoid gun crowd thinks that if you dont have the freedom to drive everywhere and piss on everyone elses right to a good hunting area, your gonna loose your guns.

ATVs were the death of too many good hunting areas. Suck it ATV supporters!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RockyDog:
blah, blah, blah....Banning ATVs is gonna lead to banning guns.

Im so sick of that chickchit line.Thats a bunch feartactic BS. We dont have to put up with lazy aholes driving everywhere on these mini-trucks just because the paranoid gun crowd thinks that if you dont have the freedom to drive everywhere and piss on everyone elses right to a good hunting area, your gonna loose your guns.

ATVs were the death of too many good hunting areas. Suck it ATV supporters!

Advocating total bans on anything means you are giving other groups credibility when they advocate a total ban. The gun-control losers do just that, advocate a total ban on firearms ownership. Guns and ATV's are different subject all together, but your "ban'em all" tactics make you one in the same.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Don't put all ATV riders in with the bad like some FAT ASS on here do. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Meathead, I said, <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We are all entitled to our opinion, and that is mine, and you have yours, and that is fine. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yet here you come, showing a bunch of dis-respect. My opinion is strickly mine. So where do you come off, saying what you have said, calling me a FAT ASS?

I don't show you any dis-respect, so why say something like that? I do have a right to voice my opinion, as long as I don't bash you or anybody, right?

I still say, "Ban them from the face of the earth, and that will solve the problem." I do have that right to say such a thing, right? Should you have a problem with that statement, then you should solve the problem on your side of the fence, right? After all, that is your right, and I will respect your right. How about respecting my right?

Trust me, I could call you names and bash your opinion, but I will not. I suggest you do the same.
The whole paranoia about banning is funny. Just because a restriction on one activity, or subset of an activity, does not mean other activities or the rest of that activitiy will be banned.

We outlawed the use of 2, 4, and similar big guage shotguns in the early part of the last century for hunting waterfowl, and it seems like hunting and gun ownership have both carried on quite nicely.

There are times when common sense, and respect for the resource SHOULD prevail, and if that requires limits on people's Constitutional Right to ride ATV;s, then so be it.
In my opinion the fine don't fit the crime that's where the problem comes from. I just got back from Wy. were we hunted it was illegal to have a ATV past the gate. If someone killed a Elk he would go get his ATV and ride it past the gate to get it because it was a $50.00 fine if he got caughtbehind the gate. That's cheaper than get someone to pack it out on horse so they just take the chance.This is what needs to change. You can ban ATVs all together and the ones that break the laws now will then if you don't change the penlty for doing so. The ban want stop them it's not stop the poachers has it.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruce A. Kennedy:
I still say, "Ban them from the face of the earth, and that will solve the problem." I do have that right to say such a thing, right? Should you have a problem with that statement, then you should solve the problem on your side of the fence, right? After all, that is your right, and I will respect your right. How about respecting my right?
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree with your right to say that, but here's the problem. Based solely on the statement above, I have no choice but to classify you in the same group as the "ban 'em all" firearms crowd, like Diane Feinstein, Ted Kennedy, Sarah Brady, Al Gore. Basically it comes down to whether or not you are willing to be reasonable, which defines your credibility.
Calling a fella that would like to see ATVs banned, a twin to feinstein or brady is assinine. Firearms ownership is a right, not given by anyone, but merely recognized and inumerated as such, by no less than the constitution of the United States. Riding an ATV is merely a privilege,and a sorry assed excuse to wear out rubber, rather than boot leather when hunting afield. If they were kept to the same standard as any other vehicular traffic while hunting, I could ignore their presence. The problem is, that when they reach the end of the road, where most of us stop and begin the hunt, they merrily bypass the berm,and pass us by two miles out in the field, passing thru our ground blinds or tree stands or our glassing position. Road hunters don't bother me, I only see them going to,and from my hunting day,and all the better, I can leave 90% of the hunters by the time Ive walked an hour from a road. What pisses me off, is to have put in the time and miles to get away from the roadies,and hear that annoying drone of an ATV chugging up the abandoned logging road or trail.I can't begin to tell how many times Ive had to fight the desire to knife all four tires every time I pass one tucked in the brush. Trouble is, Im sure the lazy sonofabitch isn't but 50 yards away under a big cedar sittin on the duff, eating his beanie-weenies and fruit cocktail(which he'll leave the cans there as well). ATVs,at least in a hunting application, have taken the hunt out of hunting to my mind.
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