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ATV's out of control

1 pointer, It's a mentality we'll never be able to understand. I think bringing the animal out is an important part of the hunt. Hard work, sometimes, but it's a good time to reflect on why we hunt. Nothing like sitting down to take a break and thinking about the whole experience. Driving right up to the animal and throwing it in the back of a pickup or onto an ATV wouldn't even seem like a real hunt. I'm sure some guys would never be able to understand that.
Nah, my guess is that the Fat-Assed ATV guys want the "right" to be able to drive where ever and when ever they want, tearing up everything in sight. How dare the government try and regulate their behavior... |oo Unless of course it is the government trying to tell a woman what she can/can't do with her own body or telling somebody else who they can or can't marry. :rolleyes:
EG ,
What's up ?
You're rolling along with some great fat assed ATV comments and then you proclaim to be a pregnant lesbian ! Please , go throw some darts at your GW Bush poster and get back on topic .
Holy shit!... I leave for 3 days and Cfree/Ringer/Ten bears...slaps the living shit out of Larry/Moe/ and Curly! [Elkgunner/Ithaca/Buzz].... See what i have been trying to tell you 3 stooges? YOU CAN GO OFFROAD TO PICKUP YOUR LEGALY KILLED GAME IN ARIZONA!!!! Now you resort to trying to downgrade any hunter who does it?... W.T.F. is wrong with you guys? drag an elk by its ear? WHAT!....YOU BOYS HAVE FLAT OUT BEEN SCHOOLED!.... thats why You buzz and gunner never took me up on the bet right? Now you even have the "forest circus" telling you about it [AZ game retrieval] If you don`t get it by now you never will...Please stay out of Arizona and i will not hunt in your have too many lawbreakers up there.
EG-I owe you an apology. I didn't know you were a female lesbian. Ya see, I have been a male lesbian my whole life since 14 and I understand why you get a little irritated at times. By the way I had dinner with the head of the Tonto National Forest last night and I knew all along that you guys were making statements you could not prove. That said I will be the first to throw fists at a land ripping rude ATV rider and that's a fact. Oh, if you think I ain't packed meat out on my back how did that big black bear get up from that canyon bottom out north of Anderson reservoir? If you really hunt then you Idaho boys know it wasnt on any machine.
1_pointer said:
I still don't get why it's so hard to just drag your animal to the nearest road! Why the hell do you need to drive to it??? What's so hard about that? Hell, I'm short, fat, and out of shape and have to hunt with guys like miller to keep me hiking up the hill, but I don't have to drive off road to pick up my animals.

TB- How can one drive off a road without damaging plants, soils, or wildlife?

1PT. its because you and Buzz/Gunner altogether could not drag an elk 2 miles to the road without cutting it up or boning it out and 'WASTING" alot of meat. it doesn`t matter why! [handicapped/hunting alone etc.] its a personnel choice ... something we have in america...for Americans! why do some of you guys have such a "problem" with that concept?.....also its easy to not damage plants and wildlife BE CAREFULL. those are the facts. pure and simple.
I hunt on a private hunting lease with 3 other guy's and we have ATV's. I only have a problem with one guy who thinks that you can hunt deer off of a ATV, and he also rides out the draws if he thinks we are not on the lease at the time he comes up with this great idea. Of course he is the first one to say that there are no deer on the lease and he seems to not be able to kill a deer while the rest of us have limited out. I take my ATV to the lease in an enclosed trailer where it normaly stays unless I get a deer down that I can't get my truck to. I'm 56 years old and my Doctor told me not to be dragging deer because of my blood pressure so the only time my ATV gets out of the trailer is like I said, When I can't get to my deer with my pickup to load him or her up. The only other time that I use my ATV is before season to take stands in and put them up or to haul corn into our feeders. I really don't have aproblem if someone uses aa ATV to go into there hunting area as long as they park them on the roads within out lease and walk the 400 yards or so to thier stands. I just think that some people use them in excess just because they are to lazy to walk in to thier stands.
cjcj- I guess you've never seen me bone an elk. I take what I'll eat off and the rest stays. Just like if it was at home. I also don't see how quartering an animal is wasting any meat.

BTW, I dragged a field-dressed cow elk 1.4miles by myself last year. I then deboned 1/2, packed it to the rig. Met my buddy and we drug the other half to the road where we put in on his ATV. We didn't have to drive cross-country to get to it. Handicapped hunters are another story. Hunting along is not an excuse in my book. Quarter or bone and carry it to the nearest road. It's not hard and if you are too lazy to do that I feel sorry for you.

PS- I'd like to see video of someone not 'damaging' plants, soils, or wildlife while riding across country! Don't you roll over plants? Soils? That is not 'damage'?? ;)

Handloader- Private property is all together different. But I do agree, park them on the roads and leave them there. I wouldn't have problems with ATVs if they were used/regulated like passenger vehichles.
No Damage [see CMC`s pic]...i do have a mobility problem...and even before i did when it was "neccesary" [as defined by me] i drove my truck to pick up my downed elk...i like to bring out 100% of the animal...bone/hide/liver/heart..everything..[my dogs love those elk bones]..i have on many occasions walked for miles and miles and drug out both coues and mulies and a couple of i have been there/done that! but the whole point here is that it is legal and ethical if you want to go offroad to get your legaly killed big game in AZ.. and that is mostly true for elk... unless your 1.4 mile cow elk drag was a very,very small cow /a calf maybe. i don`t believe it. so i have to call bullshit on ya. ... but whatever the case ... you guys have lost this argument [offroad retrevial] just get Larry/Moe/Curly to admit it so can we move on?
Call bullshit all you want, the GPS read 1.4mi from where it was gutted to where I boned her out in the bottom of the drainage. It was downhill, on snow, took quite a bit of time, and was VERY tiring.

In AZ it may be legal, but that doesn't make it ethical. IMO legal and ethical are not the same. Hell, cross country ATV travel is legal on most of the Salt Lake BLM district, but I don't think it's ethical. Just like it's legal for me to shoot at elk at 1200yds, but ethical??

As far as winning/losing this argument I don't care. I still don't like people (healthy folks) going cross country in vehichles for any reason.
Your entitled to your opinion...and i will respect for the bullshit call i will retract it...since it was downhill on snow...but you have to agree normaly one or even 2 people cannot drag a whole gutted elk[very far] under average dry conditions... hell they just don`t move....i have had to use a comalong/ramp every time to load them in my truck.

I'll call BS on you if you claim you can drive your pick-up over to a dead elk and not damage any plants or soils. You may think you walk on water, but you sure as Hell don't drive on Air... And how do you know CMC did or did not damage anything? And how do you know if he was legal or not legal to drive there?

And it is not "wasting" if you leave the trimmings and the bones of an Elk on the Mt. There is a pretty active scavenger community that sees that gutpile and pile of "waste" as dinner. That "bonus" gutpile may be just what it takes for the Bald Eagle or the Camp Robber Jay to get thru the Winter.
cjcj ,
Thank God for the ATV ! There must have been thousands of wasted deer and elk carcasses every fall , until the advent of the ATV .
I can't believe that the jump from slob use of atv's to questioning one's ability to bone out a animal. I don't eat the bones but I bring the meat out. Deer, if close enough to a road to drag go out go home in the pickup. Other than that, the critters we kill get packed out on our backs. If you carry your game to the road I don't have a problem with what you drive it home with.
I never saw anyone drag a whole gutted cow elk more than a foot. I don't think you should be driving a pickup into the woods but look at the photo. He shot the elk in juniper flats and any bent grass will be back in a month. If ground is soft then you need to stay off it with any vehicle and take yer elk out on a toboggan in parts or boned in a bag. Arizona hunters see more damage from pickups boggin around than they do ATV travel. The problem we have is rude buttholes riding all over the place during prime hunting time.
Gunner i drive carefully on hard ground to get my elk...most "responsible" hunters ringer said you can`t drag a whole gutted elk very far.... at least in AZ most of the cow elk are shot on or near meadows [at least 50%] you can drive right up to them and load them...i`ve only had 2-3 that the ground was too soft.[we cut them up ] one other i remember fell right inside of a water hole...we lassowed it and drug it to dry land[rope&truck] and gutted it.....ask any "seasoned" AZ hunter how many "whole" elk are hanging in tree`s during any cow hunt...or why not call G&F if you doubt what i`m saying. The facts are you out-of-town boys don`t know diddleyshit about Arizona and what goes on here year in and year out...We who live here see all of the FACTS up close and in real life. [not on some website] or hearing bullshit secondhand...I know you and the other Manny/Moe/ Jacks won`t admit it... but you were wrong....Cfree showed you everything you should know...since you judge from a 1,000 miles away [Cfree you the man]... just tell me how all of these Whole elk are hanging in trees...and no hunters are getting "tickets' for picking them up? are you afraid to answer that question?
I still don't get why it's so hard to just drag your animal to the nearest road! Why the hell do you need to drive to it??? What's so hard about that? ....
TB- How can one drive off a road without damaging plants, soils, or wildlife?
1-P - Conversly, how can one drag out an animal without damaging plants, soils, or wildlife? Just curious. ;) :D :D The best arguement for why ATVs should be regulated differently from PASSENGER VEHICLES is that they ARE NOT PASSENGER VEHICLES. :rolleyes: ;)

I see, this debate has gone from what is legal, to what is elitist and "ethically" correct. IT/BUZZ/EG, the old if you can't dazzle'em with brilliance, baffle'em with BULL strategy just aint gonna work around here this time. :BLEEP:
I didn't say it wouldn't, but you did make that assertation for ATVs. The damage done by dragging an animal across the ground does not give the impression to the next person that way that a two-track/trail/road exists. Call me elitist if it makes you feel better, but I'll continue to do as I've been doing as IMO it is less damaging than driving cross-country and gives a better image of hunters.

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