ATV's out of control

atv's should be restricted to private land only.
I said I talked to both agencies and one of those was Tonto National Forest where I hunt. Now, if the bitch was lying to me then that's that but I don't think she was since she put me on hold to ask her boss. Now, you want to suggest the way other people need to live that's fine with me but I think I will just do whatever I want as long as it's legal and what I consider ethical. Boy this subject sure brings out the "my ways better than your way" people.
Oh man...not again. Talk about beating a dead horse |oo |oo |oo
Buzz/ithaca your starting to sound "Moronic"... Buzz you can call Bullshit all you want i have seen over 20 hunters go offroad to pick up elk just this year alone... you guys FLAT out lost this argument but your to hardheaded to admit it. Ithaca using terms like "not always legal" just won`t cut it W.T.F. is that supposed to mean thats about as vague as you can get......You want some proof...Just ask Arizona hunters how many "WHOLE" elk they see hanging in tree`s during an AZ elk hunt! How do you think they got there? 4x4 trucks thats how! Jeesuz pezzus add two and two together! your math cannot be that bad. You never did answer the CMC question...He did what most AZ hunters do legaly year in and year out. and that is DRIVE over legaly and pick up the 100% pure elk on the hoof. sorry girls but those are the facts...and as a long time AZ hunter i have seen this happen HUNDREDS of times easily...[ i go up even when i don`t have a tag ] like to just check things out....why don`t you come down here and drive through 6A during a cow hunt and check out at least 40 elk hanging in trees...if you want i`ll even drive you through the unit [6a] and i will pay for the gas.... but why don`t we bet say $100. apiece just to make it interesting....
ringer said:
Now, you want to suggest the way other people need to live that's fine with me but I think I will just do whatever I want as long as it's legal and what I consider ethical. Boy this subject sure brings out the "my ways better than your way" people.

Is it the heat of the AZ summers that causes brain damage? Or do we have another Fat-Assed ATV rider forgetting to wear a helmet?

Ringer, you can drive your ATV anywhere in AZ you want, any time you want, as long as the Managing Agency of the Land you are on allows it. The only place the State of AZ has jurisdiction is on State Lands. Buzz is absolutely correct, you had better buy yourself a CURRENT Travel Map and abide by its' decrees. Otherwise you will look as foolish as CJCJ. :D
cjcj, You say you know it's legal because you've seen people do it?

Please answer this question: Is there any FS, BLM or state land ANYWHERE in AZ where IT IS NOT LEGAL to drive offroad to retrieve downed big game?
Elkgunner-I jumped in here cause people were slinging out what is legal in AZ as if they had an f'in clue. What I have said is based on fact and at 55 I at least know which unit I am in and who has the land. I said I have an ATV. Have not even started the thing for a year so I am not a big advocate. I have had the bastards ride right past my blind just at late shooting time so I know what pissed off is. None of this bullshit changes anything about the facts. In most units here you can ride off the forest roads to retreive. Even people with skinny asses they drag on the carpet can do it. I'll let you out of state experts continue this dumbass argument.
No Ithaca i say its "legal" because where i see them doing it its legal..... now are you going to "ever" answer any question`s? [CMC ref.] Are you saying that all of these 100% whole on the hoof elk hanging in tree`s are ILLEGAL? is that what you are implying? .... sorry i can`t carry on this absurd chit/chat.. i am heading to the coast for a few days... just answer the above questions and then i will get back to you..... have a nice weekend.
cjcj, Is this the question you want answered, "Ithaca did you see CMC`s elk pic`s? in AZ? would you be saying he went offroad legaly to pick it up? "

If so, the answer is; Yes, I saw the picture. I don't know if he went offroad legally to pick it up or not. I don't know what the regulations are in that area.

Now, can you answer this question: "Is there any FS, BLM or state land ANYWHERE in AZ where IT IS NOT LEGAL to drive offroad to retrieve downed big game?"

It should be real easy.

You're as clueless as most AZ atvers...and thats a fact.


Dont assume that just because someone lives out of AZ that they do not know the regulations on ATV use there. At least a couple people here know how to read the written English Language and know how to read a travel fact at least one person here works for the FS and even spends a couple months a year working your National Forests BLM, State and private lands...

There are large portions of the National Forests, BLM, and State lands that allow NO OFF-ROAD ATV USE...FOR ANY REASON INCLUDING GAME RETRIEVAL

Why is that so hard to comprehend?

RINGER, to many the issue is whether the glass is half full or half empty, but when dealing with BUZZ/ITHACA/ELKGUNNER, it's not either. You see, they see the glass as being their sole property, and don't want others looking into it.

To answer IT, in the absence of cjcj, there are areas in AZ closed for travel by ATV's. HOWEVER, there are also areas OPEN for the use of ATV's for game retreival. Can you refute that? If not, then would you, BUZZ, and EG please close your pie holes, the flies for the dead horse keep flying in, and please bury the horse we beat to death long ago. |oo |oo |oo

Here's one for the trio. Can an ATV be used legally to retreive game in game units in Idaho which restrict the use of ATVs for hunting? :D :D
Ten beers,

Most atvers dont care if its legal or not...

Thats why they're being outlawed and restricted more and more all the time...or, are you in denial about that as well???
Ten Bears said:

Here's one for the trio. Can an ATV be used legally to retreive game in game units in Idaho which restrict the use of ATVs for hunting? :D :D

Not if the Managing Agency of the Land (or the Landowner if private) restricts the use of ATVs. :D

All the State F&G did on the restrictions of ATVs for hunting is put in place a regualtion that says you can not be on an ATV with a weapon and a valid tag (with some minor exceptions). :rolleyes:

What is it about guys in AZ who refuse to acknowledge they are wrong??? :rolleyes: Ringer, the Feds have the jurisidiction over the use and travel on FS and BLM lands. It absolutely does not matter what "you can do in AZ" as it applies to Federal Lands, unless it is authorized by the Feds that managed the land. |oo
ElkGunner said:
Not if the Managing Agency of the Land (or the Landowner if private) restricts the use of ATVs. :D

All the State F&G did on the restrictions of ATVs for hunting is put in place a regualtion that says you can not be on an ATV with a weapon and a valid tag (with some minor exceptions). :rolleyes:

Okay, given that the road/trails/area is open for travel by ATV. What are the minor exceptions? What constitues a "weapon"? And finally if my tag is notched and on my critter, can I possess a weapon (notched tags are not valid, but have been validated - learned that this fall)?
IT, because I don't think you understand them yourself. That is why I'm asking you for your interpretation. I already know what they say.
EG-Are you saying that you know for a fact that the Tonto National Forest in units 5 and 6 do not allow going off road on an ATV to retreive your elk? That is what I said and that is a fact. Call the TNS office here and ask them yourself. If you say it aint so enough times I'm sure the facts will change to fit your opinions.
With two exceptions, travel off all National Forest System Roads is prohibited.

Campgrounds and other recreation sites are maintained for passenger vehicles and are off limits to ATV's, etc.

In conjunction with Arizona State Parks OHV Program,
the Tonto National Forest has established two areas for the dedicated use of OHV's.

They Are:
Rolls OHV Area (.pdf)
Bulldog Canyon OHV Area (.pdf)

Tonto NF off-road travel
mtmiller, Thank you! That seems real clear. I wasn't aware that it is not even legal to ride around a campground on an ATV! There's a link on the web page you provided to the new AZ G&F regs on off road use. Here it is:

ringer, Now that you can easily view the Tonto NF regulations and the AZ G&F regs, will you please give us your interpretation of them concerning off road ATV use?