Dan O
Well-known member
Mtmuley im not sure if you confront those who violate off road use or just report them. In this day and age it would be wise to just report them with a vehicle id and or license number. I'm not telling you what to do but your loved ones would rather see you come home alive. The risk of a confrontation is not worth being killed or being permanently disabled. If road or trail restrictions are being abused report it to a warden,forest service,blm etc. and let them confront the violators.
Any mode of transportation should be supported as long as the travel plans for roads and trails are followed. It's no different than someone condemning a compound over a stick bow. If it's legal support it, if it's illegal report it.
Very well said! If they are where they shouldn't be report them and follow through as a witness in court. If your not willing to do that then shame on you. I use mine on roads open to vehicles and ATV's ONLY!!!!! I get 22 mpg with mine plus not worry about scratching or denting my truck or getting it stuck. Turning around a F350 four door long box on a mountain road is an adventure in itself. My ATV no problem