Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System


The eight pointer I shot last year during bow season had his nose in the whiffing by scent bomb. He was only about 2 yards from it and the mock scrape I had made earlier. I think the work. I like fresh if I can get it. A guy in town used to have a few deer and saved the urine, but any of the other's will work also.

In answer to your question, no, I don't use them.

If a deer can smell me at 300 plus yards I need a shower real bad :D

As you know, I kill the deer so far away that it wouldn't do me anygood.

yeah.i might use a little doe pee from time to time.

it has worked for me........but,like shaky,i shoot them at fanominal distances ....so most of the time i dont use the scents......why one time i had to belly crawl four hundred yards away from a deer just to make the shot interesting!.......anyone can shoot them at 20 yrds! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ..............JB
LAZZERONI!!!!! Just thought I bring that back up. I would love to have one of their 'short magnums'!!!!
1 point......if you want one but dont want to give ol lazzeroni all that money......just have one built....probably could save yerself quite a bundle!
or you could go with the new winchester short mag......and save a bundle on ammo!..

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 28 August 2001 16:55: Message edited by: J.B. ]</font>
I've said it, but it's worth repeating................. I never go afield without giving myself EVERY chance......which would include attractants, which also double as cover scents in that they help mask your personal odor. even if you are 400 yards away,........your scent is blowing somewhere, may as well have a stronger odor than your own a blowin'.....

1-Pointer.......I'm with ya man......the fresher the better! Every deer I kill is deprived of its urine.........ESPECIALLY the does in the rut, but any other whitetails as well. Figure smelling like any deer is better than smelling like a human......

...........just my thoughts......
I would think that nuts dress would be enough to attract all he could handle ;) Might try something a little shorter and low cut next time nut,I hope that workes for you.


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