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as scared as it gets....


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Tried to register again, here was my rersponse from the fags over there in my registration email.

"No need to reply to this email.
Hi schmalts,

Your registration of 'schmalts' at AS REAL AS IT GETS has been denied. The reason for this is below:

keep trying it is amusing "

So, they are a bunch of pussies over there and will ban you before you even get registered. What a bunch of pole smoking, frightened, ass packing, dickheads. Cmon, Did I beat up Blake's little midget god "big schtick" that bad??
Maybe if you change your name, you can sneak in using some other computer. It doesn't look like it said you beat up a guy. He's challenging you to try and get in somehow, that's what I would try if I wanted to get in.
They are going to a "secret handshake" now to get in. Create a new email account on yahoo, and change your handle.
Someone needs to continue my Redneck Thread in Purgatory. I got booted when I posted this pick of Blake's sister preparing to go to her night job. Looking at it now, I realize that he married his sister.

Pathetic. I never said anything bad about Blake here or anyplace else, but he must feel manly protecting his boyfriend I guess. Kind of funny coming from the forum that bans nobody...... I guess I should feel good to know I got under bigtwits skin so bad I am banned from even registering at his gay gathering.
I see what Greenie was saying about missing some funny chit! I want to hear about this Redneck Thread in Purgatory. Pretty sad looking gal if you ask me. And this is a lesson to all that picking on the mentally ill could get you banned!
But I am guessing this is the county queen in some part of Arkansas.:eek:

Would like to see the expression when the tape was pulled off, but then again women in those parts do that for kicks. Just like moosie pinching his nipples.
Sick pups! but happy campers :D
I gave it a quick thought about registering over there. Then I decided screw it after reading the "Greenhorn" thread. The only good stuff was fired off by people already here. Besides they're only a pack of Internet tough guys all humping each others leg, telling each other they're the best or whatever.

Then again it could be alot of fun. Moosie got banned in ten posts, and Schmalts can't even register. Maybe sneak in all ninja like, piss in their Cheerios, and get out. I'm not quite that bored this week, maybe next week who knows.
Someone from that site just sent me this picture. This is the "'s" entry into the Memorial Day parade. You can see Painless and Big Stick riding on the tank...

I don't guess I could say much about that girl compared to a few after a hard nights drinking in Bangkok, but have aquired finer taste since meeting these Russian gals... that is another story for another night when I get back on the scotch.
Hell, most that know me know I would fornacate with a snake if someone would hold it's head and watch for the game warden.. hump

On a seroius note! i was looking for the Redneck Thread in Purgatory post so signed up around lunch and went back to the office and did not go to the mail and got a rejection from the's saying the reason was something about unable to confirm my e-mail address? WTF
so, I sent a message back saying if you could not confirm it, why the hell did you send me the message. Nuck futs..
Not going to guess, but we must have a spy here folks! I tried to sign up over there just to see what the hell was so funny for the second time and guess what rejected@! Damn the luck. Once I could understand because of the Kazakhstan Address. But twice? WTF!

I may just have to go into the ninja stealth mode and get in another way as Thumper is not working and this Kazakhstan e-mail is not being accepted. Don't feel like it is worth it though.

They must think I am Borat coming to learning teachings from the peoples of hunting republic of the U.S of A or............Folks we gots our self a spy amongst us......

Starting to smell something .... what.... what... naaa, not a rat??????
I registerd and was denied also. They must have a list of hunttalkers. Kinda tuff to ban someone that hasn't even posted.
Old Painless already admitted that he has a spy on this site who uses an email name of "Jr. Detective".

So, Jr. Detective, you are a pu$$y...
It all means that Big stick got his ass kicked and will niot stand for the same ass kicking in front of his worshipers. We won, he lost LOOOOOOOOOOSER

And the funny thing is, I got registered there anyway using a PC from my buddies house and a made to order email addy. Haven't posted yet, waiting for the right time.