Arizona Late Elk

Reorganizing for the last evening push. As much as my body aches, as much as those Spanish Sword spines in my calf muscle make me want to yell, as much as my liver wanted to sleep in this morning, I am glad I didn't.

This is my last day of elk hunting for ten months. It will be a long ten months. I will dream of big bulls, hellacious pack outs, close encounters that may not work out. I will practice with bow and rifle, hiking the hills to try get back into the same shape I am in today.

I will leave the hill tonight, knowing I hunted harder the last day of the season than I did the first day, wanting to leave knowing I gave my best; wondering how many elk seasons are yet ahead and knowing most likely, more are behind me than in front of me. I will smile, tag punched or not, knowing that another great hunt was had, a new friendship was formed, and memories were made that will last as long as I do.

It has been a great season and will be made better by hunting one more evening. I have shot many elk and if I never shoot another, I have probably shot more than my share. On this hunt some elk have been passed, as the place, time, or shot was not what I wanted. I am at that comfortable time in a hunter's evolution.

Tonight, there is no desperation to fill a tag, though the same desire is there as it always is. Tonight is fulfilling my need to spend one more evening in the elk woods, milking the most of every day granted, then praying that health and opportunity allow me to repeat the same process next year ...... and with great blessings, for many years there after.
Well said, Big Fin. Good luck in whatever decision you make this evening. Many of us will be thinking of you.
Well, another season ends with my tag in my pocket. One of the most fun hunts I have had in a long time. Great people, great weather, great fun.

Enjoyed the week immensely. Lee was a great guy to hang out with. Always smiling and always upbeat.

Now for the long drive home and getting back to a schedule of trying be a good husband to the worlds most understanding and supportive wife.
Thanks for taking us along Fin. My thanks to Lee for letting me be a small part of his hunt and the opportunity to meet a new friend. Congratulations again Lee for a great bull!
Nice job, guys. Congrats to Lee on his first elk. Looking forward to seeing this one on video.
Thanks for taking us along Fin. My thanks to Lee for letting me be a small part of his hunt and the opportunity to meet a new friend. Congratulations again Lee for a great bull!

Thank you Jerry. Always fun when you can join us. Lots of guys provided time, eyes, or advice. You, Larry, Walt, Wade, Stan, Mason, Brad, and probably others I have failed to mention, all made it a great hunt and were a big help.

It will be a great episode. Hope the episode isn't good enough that it messes up the draw odds on these late season elk hunts in Arizona, 'cause I want to come back ..... soon. ;)
Fin I'm sorry you're eating tag soup, but I'm jealous you got to hunt some prime AZ elk country again. You've got a great perspective on this hunt, as usual. Ten months is a long time between elk hunts, but it beats the many years as most of us have relegated ourselves to. Here's to hunting those big beasts every year we are physically able!

BTW, of course Lee is always smiling - he killed a great bull early in the hunt! ;)
Nice rundown Big Fin, certainly making the most of your hunting time and giving it your best, thats all you can ask for. Well done on all involved.
Thanks for all the encouragement, well wishes and congratulations guys! It was quite the adventure.

We hunted hard but had a lot of help. Big thank yous go out to Stan (AZ402), Jerry (jerreep), Larry (AZRed), Walt, Wade and everyone else that played a part.

The camera guys Brad and Mason are a riot and work very hard. No only do they carry packs and heavy camera gear everywhere we went, they also pitched in and packed out meat. Anyone who thinks they have an easy job is simply misinformed. Thanks guys.

Lastly, thanks to Randy for taking this first time elk hunter and putting me in a position to shoot a great bull. Those of you who have met Randy already know he's a stand up guy that is just plain fun to be around. Randy went the extra mile on this hunt (as I suspect he does every hunt) and always has a positive attitude. Thanks again Randy, I know we will hunt together again some day.

One more thing... I got to hear so many Big Falls stories that I think they should start a sitcom. Sitting around Walts table listening to Randy, Larry, Jerry and Walt was simply priceless.
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The best hunts are the ones with lots of memories. Glad it was a good one with time well spent!