Arizona is hitting cards.

Pending CC charges at the Busch house for a bull elk tag. Almost 100% sure my son drew his late rifle tag in 5B, as he had two more points then needed to guarantee a tag (unless my daughter or I beat incredible odds for an early rifle hunt - not likely). Excited to go with him to AZ on a great elk hunt in December. Good luck to everyone and I hope you see pending charges shortly.
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I dont believe they release the results until the 27th of March correct? That seems like a long wait if they are hitting the cards now

They will very likely be early posting results. This is the first year they haven't called people who have credit cards declined, so it should be a much smoother process. Now, if we could only get them to charge at the time of applying so people with cc issues would be notified BEFORE the draw... Ah, the dreams. The dreams.
Against my sage advice, my oldest son applied for a limited opp hunt way up in the NW corner of the state as his 5th choice. It's a 100% draw, but I'm hoping my CC hit this morning was for one of his better/earlier choices.
Now that they don't call people who have had credit cards declined, I have heard it is just a 2-hour wave of charges that has already been completed. If the charge hasn't shown by now, it's extremely likely you drew a Bonus Point.

This is me not listening to that, na na na na na na na............................
Looking at my portal account I may have drawn this tag with 0 points. I didn't apply through my portal account and I noticed that it said something about possibly not linking your points correctly or something like that. On my portal account it is showing 0 points for this years draw and when I look at the history it shows 6 points for last years draw.

I wonder if they will take my points away if I didn't use them in the draw? :cool:
Points are not linked to the application portion of the portal, all show 0 points till results are posted.
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CC's don't all get hit the same time either. Last year mine got the hit like a week after everyone said they were getting hit.
Last year my card didn't show a charge for 2 or 3 days after the first people had seen a charge on their card. I'm still holding out hope even though I have long odds with 0 points.
I drew as a party with my hunting buddy. $1300 pending - 2 Elk tags somewhere. 5BS or 22N. Yea!!!
I'm starting a new movement for the less fortunate like myself. 21 points and counting.

I'm starting a new movement for the less fortunate like myself. 21 points and counting.


Right there with you.

Have only drawn one primo AZ elk tag and one primo AZ lope. not fair
My misfortune also includes:
Only 2 sheep tags drawn
Only 3 moose tags
A measley lone Mt Goat tag
The best Colo elk tag just once
Merely 2 of the very best NM elk tags

Think I will start a godundme page to support landowner tag purchases so I can right the ship.
I have a pending charge from AZ for elk. Probably late Muzzy.

Arizona has completed the CC charges, but that doesn't mean your bank is showing the charges YET.
Some banks take up to 72 hours before the charge shows up on your account.
If you believe you should have drawn, give it until Monday and check again.
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