Yeti GOBOX Collection

Arizona draw

No thank you please it only makes me sneeze. Then it makes it hard to find the door..
Besides, us old guys have to work twice as hard as you young guys for half the results... That means if I shoot a 4 point raghorn, it will count as an eight point monarch.. isn't that how it works after 70?
Raghorns sure are delicious though. My dad was excited that I didn't get a big old bull because it wouldn't have tasted nearly as good.
That's a nice bull, congrats and either hunting elk or helping a friend it doesn't get any better!
Thanks Moosie.. How's the Pan Man been? I imagine your kids are as big as you are by now..
Yah, Kids are growing. My oldest O-Town was shipped off to Utah to work on a Robot for a Hospital for a week. You know sometimes they need the best ;) He's off to "Collage" but to a local one. NNU. Going to pull a Double major. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

Next oldest is doing football and lifting weights. Going to be a Sophomore. I'l getting old and out of shape. On that note, I drew a Goat tag after a life long of putting in. Nothing like drawing a tag when you're out of shape....

Kick some trash on your Hunt Amigo !!!
Oscar, what ever you do, don't let your kid become an engineer. I've lived the life of an engineer and it's a bitch when people cannot relate to anything you say....LOL.. congratulations. Last time I saw O Town he was dancing in the living room with his dad.. Do you 'member? How's your Sis doing?
Oh I remember the dancing. It seems like yesterday... but also a lifetime ago.

Sister is doing good. Moved back east to hang out with her Obama friends ;) Actually her Husband took a job in Virginia and she loves it back there.
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