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Arizona changing NR tag allocation process


Well-known member
May 31, 2007
Many of you have heard by now that Arizona is changing how they allot tags to non-residents (NR). Starting in 2016 the prior “up to 10% of all tags to NR” with up to 20% of all tags allotted during preference round will now be “up to 5% of tags during preference round to NR” and another up to 5% during the random pass.

What does this mean for you in 2016? If are a resident, almost no change is needed in your strategy. If are a non-resident (NR) then you may want to change your choices in 2016.

A hunt code that in 2015 had all NR tags allotted during the preference round will now have some tags available to NR during the random round. For example, if you liked 13B for deer in 2015 for your 1st or 2nd choice for deer and were a NR with less than max points (18) as you applied then you had 0% chance to draw that deer tag. In 2016, you will have a chance. Most likely a 1/1000 chance, but a chance as a Pet Detective once noted.

If you are in the max point pool then your odds in 2016 as a NR are ½ of what they were in 2015. The NR max point pool will erode at 1/2 the rate as recent years. 20 of 120 18 pointers were cleared out in 2015. Look for only 10 to clear out in 2016. Resident max point pool will decline by 10 more, though, so look for resident point pools at the top to clear out faster, 50% faster than before 2016.

There is no guarantee NR will draw any of the random pass tags. Will NR draw any tags in the random pass or is this a bait and switch to chop NR tag allocation in half? Will NR draw the “up to 5%” limit? I think so, especially in the high quality choices.

Here is an example for 2016. 1000 applicants apply for a hunt with 100 tags. Is 1000 applicants realistic? 13B was hunt #1021 in 2015 with 70 tags and had 5887 applicants select that hunt as 1st or 2nd choice. NR could draw up to 7 of those tags in 2015 and drew 7, all in the preference point pass. So 1000 is reasonable for an example.

In this made up example of 1000 applicants, let’s assume 90% of applicants are resident and 10% are NR. That seems a reasonable assumption for a high demand deer tag such as 13B.

So, 900 residents apply and 100 NR. First pass awards 20 tags by preference to total bonus points of the applicant. Of those 20 tags, only up to 5 tags (100 x 5%) can go to NR in the preference pass in 2016. So 5 NR draw in the preference pass leaving 95 NR to participate in the random pass. Residents got 15 tags in the preference round so 885 are now in the random pass. A total of 95 + 885 (980) are in the bonus pass and 95/885 are NR which is 10.7%.

About 1 out of 10 times an application is drawn (10.7%) then NR applicants will expect to hit the NR “up to” cap after F&G looks at 50 applications in the random pass. No guarantee but is likely NR pull just as many tags in high demand units in 2016 as in 2015 even with half the NR tags being at risk in the random pass.

Even if NR are just 60 of the 1000 applicants for these 100 tags NR have 55/980 = 5.6% in the random pass so NR are expected to get the 5 tags before 80 applications are reviewed in the random pass. If NR are 200 of the 1000 then is even more likely draw hit the 5% cap.

How will application behavior change?

NR max point holders will take almost 2x as many years to draw in the preference pass. Last year about 20% of the max point pool drew out so would take 4 or 5 more years at the 2015 rate to clear that point class out but now will see only about 10% of the max point pool clear out in 2016. If you are max point holder who applied in 2015 for 13B, do you stop applying for 13B in 2016? Not likely. Your odds are worse in 2016 but unless you are willing to exit the points game then you are still wanting a great hunt like 13B can be.

What if you are not a NR max point holder? You get 2 choices right? If you applied last year for 13B you were drawing dead in 2015. Now in 2016, you have a 1/5887 chance at each of the random tags so 4/5887 which are tough odds but better than 0%. Why not take a roll of the dice with your 1st choice then can use your 2nd choice for a more likely to draw tag? I think you will see this as many people use the same strategy in NM.

I think this will actually bring in more NR applicants since as a person without max deer points you will have a slight chance to draw a high quality tag in 2016 which you never had a chance at in 2015. No more tags will go to NR but the process will be seen as more “fair” by some NR and may even attract new NR applicants to Arizona’s draw.

Will total applications go up in the better units such as 13A? I think so and will mostly be NR applicants as the increase. Residents have no reason to change strategy in 2016 since their 2016 odds are not really changing except they have 15% of all tags in the 2016 preference pass rather than 10% in 2015 when NR had half the tags in that pass. If 5887 applicants applied in 2015 then I predict an increase in 2016 as NR with only a few points take a roll of the dice. How many more apply? Maybe 200 more NR. Resident max point pool will draw more often in the preference pass so they will erode 50% faster in 2016 than 2015. Since NR max point pool will erode at 50% of the 2015 pace so residents will see their max point creep slow while NR creep increases.

Okay, what hunts will have less NR application pressure? Will it be the hunts that are drawn with 0 points? 5 points? 10 points? 15 points? I think the hunts in the 0 to 3 point range will see less pressure. Most applicants have fewer than 10 points. Many have less than 3. Will this lead to more leftover tags? I think fewer since some of the newer NR applicants will use the second choice on a likely to draw hunt for 0 points.

Time will see. Your thoughts?
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For me, I don't really care about drawing the uber primo tags so to me, it doesn't really matter that I have a 1 in 10,000 chance of drawing an early rifle elk tag. I think it definitely sucks for the guys at the top of the point pool to have the rules changed 15-20 years in. That's a bunch of BS. Since NR's only pull 10% of the tags anyways, I don't know if it will really change the NR odds much in the 5-10 point units or not. I would think there will be less NR apps in those units but will it really make that much of a difference for the NR's that still apply in those mid tier units? Hell if I know....
Really not going to change the results very much at all except a few NR are going to get a surprise when they check the draw and find "Successful". The NR's in the max point pool now will have two chances to draw an uber primo tag, once in the bonus pass and once in the 1-2 pass. They are assigned new random numbers in the 1-2 pass and get one random number generated for every point, a big advantage over the lesser point holders, whether they be resident or non-resident.
There are many, many more random numbers when you have over 1000 applicants. The max pool might be 10 of the 1000 so those 10 NR have 18 chances out of 180 random numbers being generated to get one of the lowest few dozen random numbers but in the second pass all applicants are considered so over 10,000 random numbers are generated. The max point group individually have an advantage over someone with fewer points though I think the max point holder will find almost no advantage when faced with 1000s of random numbers being generated.

Case in point, Colorado has a preference/bonus hybrid draw for mountain goats. Tags are in theory available to a first year applicant but only if there are not enough applicants with bonus points that you only get starting after you accrue 3 preference points. There are many NR applicants with the max 3 preference points then some bonus points that there ends up being several applicants competing for each NR tag. You would think applicants with more bonus points would get a lot of the tags but in practice there are so many applicants that an applicant with 9 bonus points is more likely to draw with a low random number than than an applicant with 3 bonus points but there are so many applicants with 1 or 2 or 3 or 4...that in total the lower point groups often combine to have more chances at a lower number than the few applicants that have a lot of bonus points.

In a popular AZ hunt code where you are one of a few applicants with a high point total thus able to get a tag from one bucket but then if you fall to the 80% pass you are now one of 100s or 1000s trying to get the same number of tags from the second bucket then the advantage of being a max point applicant is greatly diminished. You are twice as likely to fall into the 80% pass in 2016.
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Having the data on hand I believe NR will continue to draw their percentage on hunts where the cap was not hit in the Bonus Pass. On those hunts where the cap was hit, they may not fill the remaining 5% but it'll be close. NR were getting low numbers or they wouldn't have filled all the nr tags in the Bonus Pass.
Great post Lopehunter, really enjoyed reading through this one.

I guess it looks like there is going to be slight odds of non residents with less then max points being able to draw a premium high demand hunt/unit. And at the end of the day, it means a lot more people will have a glimmer of hope that it is possible to draw a really good hunt if your not in the max point pool.

Disadvantage are those guys who are sitting at the top of the max tables and i can feel their pain for all the hard work over the years applying.

Will see how the AZ draws go next year.
Changes that happen like this in point systems is why I H A T E point systems. And I kinda benefit from this one beings I'm no where near max points in AZ.
So let me get this straight, if 2 trains are traveling in the same direction, one at 55 mph and the other at 78 mph and they start 128 miles apart.....................................................

Oh I love hunting threads that are about math. I used to think I was the only one that sat around figuring things like this out. My wife walked into my office last week and I had the Colorado moose stats laid out and I was building a matrix to finally figure out if I need to stop to dream of pulling a bull tag and put in for cow.l She thinks I'm crazy, now I know how much company I have in Looney town.
It sounds a lot like the system we have here in NV where someone with no bonus points at least has a chance of drawing those hard to get tags.View attachment 2014_R_Elk.pdf
Sorry I attatched the resident draw odds. While non-res odds are much lower they still have a chance to draw with no bonus points.
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So let me get this straight, if 2 trains are traveling in the same direction, one at 55 mph and the other at 78 mph and they start 128 miles apart.....................................................

Oh I love hunting threads that are about math. I used to think I was the only one that sat around figuring things like this out. My wife walked into my office last week and I had the Colorado moose stats laid out and I was building a matrix to finally figure out if I need to stop to dream of pulling a bull tag and put in for cow.l She thinks I'm crazy, now I know how much company I have in Looney town.

Oh, love me some rate questions. Same direction of travel. So faster one will either catch the slower one in about 5 hours of 23 miles of gain per hour or the slower one will never catch up as the faster one pulls away at 23 more miles per hour...depends on which train is ahead of the other. And if on same track. Devil in the details.
"What does this mean for you in 2016? If are a resident, almost no change is needed in your strategy. If are a non-resident (NR) then you may want to change your choices in 2016."

My 2016 unit 1 archery elk tag was stolen from me by this bend over "change". God knows where my 13 points will realistically draw something. Unit 27 or 3A/3C? I doubt it. I am thoroughly thrown under the bus. Just the place to be for a 56 year old with 2 bulged discs, who has paid his dues and waited his turn. Thanks a lot Arizona.
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"What does this mean for you in 2016? If are a resident, almost no change is needed in your strategy. If are a non-resident (NR) then you may want to change your choices in 2016."

My 2016 unit 1 archery elk tag was stolen from me by this bend over "change". God knows where my 13 points will realistically draw something. Unit 27 or 3A/3C? I doubt it. I am thoroughly thrown under the bus. Just the place to be for a 56 year old with 2 bulged discs, who has paid his dues and waited his turn. Thanks a lot Arizona.

I can understand your frustration. The biggest problem is when F&G makes changes without thinking in the first place. UT, WY,MT,AZ all have made changes to how you can apply for points,how many species you can apply for, and fees recently and some of those changes bent over the people who have put in for years to build up points and all of the sudden they are devalued. When someone has years and money invested and then all bets change it can suck. But there is always both sides of a coin
If anyone was in the game that long they can remember this is somewhat how the AZ draw worked before USO and the lawsuit. While it make suck its really is not a surprise.

13B and my 15 points here I come!
I can understand your frustration. The biggest problem is when F&G makes changes without thinking in the first place. UT, WY,MT,AZ all have made changes to how you can apply for points,how many species you can apply for, and fees recently and some of those changes bent over the people who have put in for years to build up points and all of the sudden they are devalued. When someone has years and money invested and then all bets change it can suck. But there is always both sides of a coin

Would any of us accept an offer for every western state to abolish point systems starting in 2016? All nonresidents would have same odds as each other as put in for the draw. All residents would have the same odds as each other as put in for the draw. Assume there would be waiting periods if you obtain a tag whether in the draw, leftover or landowner.

I would accept that deal in a heartbeat and I an nurturing 611 combined bonus and preference points for various species in Western states. I used up 29 points to draw 4 hunts in 2015 yet added 58 points this year. I am mid-50s so at some point most of these points will expire when I do or can no longer manage to hunt.

If you put in for a tag with 1 in 400 odds then you probably will not draw a tag in that draw whether you are applying in a "no points" system or you have 10 preference points in a system where the max point pool is 20 points. If you apply for a tag with 1 in 2 odds then you will probably draw that tag every other year whether in a point system or not.

Face it, are you doing yourself a favor to support a point system just to maybe get a physically demanding tag when you are broken down and old? Or, would you rather have the same odds each year that you might draw the tag when in your peak years? There are only so many tags for primo hunts. Demand exceeds supply. Most applicants will never draw that tag. Point systems reduce the supply of those primo tags for the majority of the applicants to "reward" a tiny group of applicants with better though not certain odds. Sort of like being born to a millionaire when most everyone else is not. Did you earn it?
I can understand your frustration. The biggest problem is when F&G makes changes without thinking in the first place. UT, WY,MT,AZ all have made changes to how you can apply for points,how many species you can apply for, and fees recently and some of those changes bent over the people who have put in for years to build up points and all of the sudden they are devalued. When someone has years and money invested and then all bets change it can suck. But there is always both sides of a coin

Actually every single western state I have applied in has cheapened my points since 1996. Except those that don't have points. The lone remaining state that has maintained their ethics is................New Hampshire. That's it! One state. And the worse raper is right next door to them...........Maine. Well, Utah is in the competition too. Worst for western states. Maine prostituted out their system to the point of driving away 40% of the applicants! Wow. Their grand scheme is peddling 10 packs of bonus points all you want for $50/year or something. Ridiculous. There's no shortage of zero integrity attorneys/legislators lining up to bend over us invested old timers. We are in the constituent minority. Easy to throw under the bus.
Well at least I got a case of beer for the bet I had with Greenhorn over how bad the odds would get in MT now that you can buy points with a credit card instead of paying up front tag fees. He lost big time on that one.
"What does this mean for you in 2016? If are a resident, almost no change is needed in your strategy. If are a non-resident (NR) then you may want to change your choices in 2016."

My 2016 unit 1 archery elk tag was stolen from me by this bend over "change". God knows where my 13 points will realistically draw something. Unit 27 or 3A/3C? I doubt it. I am thoroughly thrown under the bus. Just the place to be for a 56 year old with 2 bulged discs, who has paid his dues and waited his turn. Thanks a lot Arizona.

I understand the frustration that comes with states changing rules every few year, but I think the high point holders might want to think about the following before they yell too loud.

When many high point holders started, AZ did not have ANY bonus pass round, so high/max point holders have benefited for many years from the new bonus pass idea. I did not hear a lot of complaining when that rule was passed that some would say "screwed over" anyone who was under what point level was needed to draw a glory tag in a high demand unit.

Even with this change, half the NR quota will probably be met in the bonus pass round for glory tags, something that was not in place when a lot of high point holders started playing the AZ point game. Any high point holder, even after this change, is still in a better situation than they were in when they started applying in AZ many years ago, when none of the tags were allocated to a special drawing for high point holders.
I don't need to think much. I had zero chance to draw my hunt of choice during the last ~12 years. I knew that. I was willing to wait for my hunt. Finally my odds in 2016 would have been ~99%. Instead, they will be about .0099%. That hunt goes for ~$20,000 at the White Mountain Apache Reservation. Stolen from me by white collar criminal attorneys/legislators who wave a piece of paper and call it all good. While some zero point holding teenager takes the field with my tag in his pocket. I could be dead or too elderly to hunt by the time I draw with this new "system".

In the end, I guarantee every person justifying this change will share one thing in common..................they have zero or very few AZ points.
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