Ariz. Question


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
I just found out I will be in Tucson for a week in Feb. I was wondering if it was possible to book a Javelin hunt. I have not looked at the Arizona Fish and Game website yet.

Are there another other opportunities in Feb. around the Tucson area? I have a ton of free time as I am only speaking one night but the entire week is paid for.

I can't just sit by the pool for 6 days and can only golf so much so was thinking a couple of days hunting would be the ticket.

Usually, you have to have your app. in for javalina in October, so you still have plenty of time. AZ does seperate drawings for fall and spring hunts.
Is there a good chance of getting drawn? Also I think I would hire a guide as I know nothing about Javelina. Any names of guides?

Thanks for any help.

What are you going to hunt with?? Gun, bow, smokepole? The schedule for spring hunts should be out in Septemeber. There is usually a ham (handgun, archery, muzzleloader) season and an archery only season in February. Longgun hunts are usually in early March.

If you get drawn, there are several folks on here who I am sure would be happy to take you stink pig hunting..

I think a muzzleloader hunt would be fun. I will have to firm up my dates.
Are they hard to hunt?
I just hate the thought of sitting in the hotel for a week when I could be out hunting a couple of days.


[ 06-28-2004, 16:00: Message edited by: Nemont ]
Nemont, they aren't nearly as hard to hunt as the are to skin... They don't call them Stink Pigs for nothing..

Patience and some good glasses... They are almost blind but have excellent hearing and a great sense of smell. If you are quiet and stay up wind, you can walk right up to them and slap them on the butt...

Yeah to what dan said,
as far as other citters like mtmiller said bring a shotgun,
then there is varmits tucson is an excelent place for that and there is BASS FISHING and you dont have to get drawn for it.


You dont need a guide for javelina, unless you're just dying to spend some money.

Figure out what hunt you want and what unit.

When you figure that out...I bet you'll get some good help from some people on the board.

I have a few good sources of info, and I spend a couple months a year in AZ for work.

I'm no expert on javelina, but I hunt with a couple guys that are...which has allowed me to bag 2 of them in the last 2 years with my bow. The guys I hunt with are 16/16 on javelina with bows.

Like danr said, bring your glasses/spotting scope, and GLASS, GLASS, GLASS...then REGLASS what you just GLASSED. Look for them in rocky areas, they like to bed in Pallo Verde and other thorny plants (junipers too), they like to eat catclaw acacia roots, prickly pear, and fillary.

I'll help you out as much as I can...just let me know.

Thanks, No I don't need to spend money I just didn't know what to expect. I really wanted to spend some time down there as I have not hunted in the south west every.

As the dates firm up more I will be in contact. No hunting opportunities in Feb. up here, well other then coyotes.

This past year Archery Javelina was 1/1/04 thru 1/31/04. HAM for the unit I hunt which is unit 36c was 2/13/04 thru 2/19/04. Rifle was 2/20/04 thru 2/26/04. You can use a ML during both the HAM and general rifle season. 36C usually has leftover permits even after the initial draw, which as stated before is usually around early Oct. 36C is about 45 minutes out of Tucson, Good Luck, JLG.
Well my conference just got moved to April 11th to the 15th in Tucson. Anything to do around there during that time of year?

I will be staying at a resort called the Westin La Paloma Resort and Spa. I guess no Javelina :( I guess golf it is.

Hey, I stayed at La Paloma once. It's a pretty nice place. The golf course was designed by Jack Nicklaus. I think there's a spa where you can take one of those therapeudic mud baths or a seaweed wrap, if your into those things! ;)

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