Yeti GOBOX Collection

Are you listed on this Internet site?

That's friggin' crazy. How the heck are we supposed to stop these backgrounds checks? It kind of looks like we are basically SOL.
That is crazy! But there is an error in mine, they have my birthdate year as 1955??? My birthday is 1984. If they have the wrong b-day is it possible a lot of my records have the wrong b-day? Hell I'll be drawing SS before im 30 then :S
Everytime you goto that and type in a name it adds one to the list, you type in other info and it adds it also into the list.....

Best advice DONT go there and add any info....

Here's what I was told: Check to see if your name and information is in their database. If so and you want it removed, send them an e-mail at [email protected] to request it be removed. After opting out by email, check back after a few days to make certain your information has been removed.

I don't know if that would work or not. Anyone want to try?

Actually, I think it's fairly dangerous to have this info listed. Suppose some criminal wants to find women under a certain age. Do a search for Susan Howe in Colorado and you'll find about ten of them----birthdates, addresses and phone #s. Choose one of them and click on her address. You'll get a map to her house!
I did notice that the info isn't all up to date. There are addresses in there for for people I checked that are two years or more old and the phone # for one of them was changed at least two years ago.
It's nothing I'd worry about, even if I was a woman. Like Elkhunters said, a lot of it is old information anyway. I guess it would only be a problem for somebody if they had something to hide.

I think you have so many people hitting the site from Moosies board that it flooded this sites controls...

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Well when I went on to the site it did bring up my name and address but the phone number is wrong cause I have not had that number for 7 years so it can't be updated to often and when I fallowed all the links to me name it brought nothing up on me so I am not to worried about it. If it brought up personal or financial stuff I might be worried.
help full hint , if you are not sure about a site and you want to check it out but you got to give you email addy so on so forth do what I did. First I create a stupid email account with john doe etc... that way when you want to see whats on the next page with out giving up personal info you type in your name (John Doe) enter a fake zip you waste account ummm like [email protected]. You get the idea. once you get in then if you not like what you see you gave up no info. if you like what you see then back out and re-enter again useing your real email account name etc. I go to my fake account and hit erase all and log back out cause I know there is nothing in there I want *lol*. ok enought said on that.

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