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Are you "Blindly devoted" to Dubya?

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
"Conservatives have become unusually restive. Last Tuesday, columnist George F. Will sharply criticized the administration's Iraq policy, writing: "This administration cannot be trusted to govern if it cannot be counted on to think and, having thought, to have second thoughts." Two days earlier, Robert Kagan, a neoconservative supporter of the Iraq war, wrote: "All but the most blindly devoted Bush supporters can see that Bush administration officials have no clue about what to do in Iraq tomorrow, much less a month from now."

The complaints about Bush's Iraq policy are relatively new, but they are in some ways similar to long-standing criticism about Bush's domestic policies. In a book released earlier this year, former Bush Treasury secretary Paul H. O'Neill described Bush as "a blind man in a room full of deaf people" and said policymakers put politics before sound policy judgments.

Echoing a criticism leveled by former Bush aide John J. DiIulio Jr., who famously described "Mayberry Machiavellis" running the White House, O'Neill said "the biggest difference" between his time in government in the 1970s and in the Bush administration "is that our group was mostly about evidence and analysis, and Karl [Rove], Dick [Cheney], [Bush communications strategist] Karen [Hughes] and the gang seemed to be mostly about politics."........."

It seems that even the well known and respected conservative stalwarts are starting to realize Dubya doesn't know what the hell he's doin'! What's wrong with the rest of you SI posters? :eek: :eek:
About time. I understand that he is listed as a criminal and will be treated as such. Good idea finally. I was wondering when they would get to playing lcops and robbers rather than cowboys and indians!! :D I unerstand we are in a tough position; but, to negotiate with a third jparty or a host government politely asking them to control their citizens is assenine!! :mad:
The revelation of the greatest concern for me, is that Bush/Chaney/Rumsfeld have disregarded advice from trusted military advisors and deemed that the will of the administration is more important. Military advisors with proven track records for performance in terse situations. Perhaps that explains Gen. Powell's untimely departure and absence of presence.

Not a happy voter right now..
Tom, "Its one thing to say you don't like the situation, its completely different to suggest something better. Feel free to make a positive suggestion."

I suggest everybody vote for someone else. I'm voting for Ralph Nader.
Are you serious ? Ralph Nader ? Does he hunt ?
O.K , Post something about old Ralph , lets put him up here to take a few shots . His only accomplishment I remember is when he turned the Corvair into a collectors item.
Fair., Ralph would be another topic. I'd say he's done more for the American consumer than anyone else in US history. He's very ethical, and about 100 times smarter than Bush and Kerry put together. No, make that 1000 times smarter. Maybe I'll start that topic someday.
Here's one of Ralph's answers in an interview:

"GT: Using a number of channels for public interest would cut into channels a cable company would otherwise use for paid programming.

Nader: Well, then open up to competition. As long you have a monopoly license you have certain reciprocity. If they really want to experience the strange beast called private enterprise, which they all try to control and centralize, let's see if they agree to that. And when it comes to the public airwaves, that's owned by the public. And when the public owns property, it should be able to do what it wants and price it just as a private company does with its own assets. These companies don't recognize that. They want free grazing, minerals, timber - a modestly priced natural resource. They would never operate that way if they owned that timber. It goes to the highest bidder. We're told if we work hard and earn money, we'll own our own home and our own car. But we're never told we own as a commonwealth the public lands, public airwaves, $4 trillion of pension money and so on. As a result, there's an insufficient proprietary interest by the public in what they own together. If you divide this country into private wealth and public wealth, the public wealth will be massively greater than the private wealth - trillions and trillions of dollars more. If we grow up learning about what we own together, there would be a stronger constituency for the concept of reciprocity, the concept of different kinds of leasing arrangements, the concept of allowing people to band together as capable viewers of TV. GT: Do you have some similar concerns regarding broadcast media? Nader: Above all, the........"
Boys andgirls wake up and smell the crappola the DNC is shoveling. This bull with the "abuse" of prisoners will never in your wildest imaginations hold up in court as abuse. Humiliation? Yes! Violations ofthe Geneva conventions? Yes! Abuse? No way! Any who one needs to look no further than the immediate command in one each female,( sexual preference don't ask don't tell) BG General responsible for POLICY Development and Application! I'msurethat we willsoon discover that she isthe common denominator in every incidence of abuse within Iraqi American command. Don't think so? Think it goes all the way to Donnie and Georgie; well just keep your eyes open!
I kinda think there's a ground swell of support for Nader rising. It seems to me that most people are pretty lukewarm about both Bush and Kerry and would rather have someone else to vote for. Maybe this is the year for a third party candidate, although Ralph has a long way to go to get on the ballots. We really do need a third party alternative in this country.
Ithaca I agree that Ralph should be president, But if he is really all about the people then he will step out of the race and let Kerry win. The only thing he is doing is possibly making that idiot president again.
Nader running is the best thing for the nation; cuts that fool's chances of being placed in office by a pack of bleeding heart Liberals!!

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