Are we bad people?

280 I've missed ya
.. Where is that red guy .. HEHEHE Just like in other topics ya can't stay away eh ? (CHECKMATE..*WINK*)

ANYWAYS, greenhorn being who he is I might look a bit more into that bill before I say It's a PILE of CHIT...(BUT I DOUBT IT) BUT closing Ranches I still have issues with. Taking someones hunting rights whether it's a inclosed 1000 acre ranch or a open field someone hunts that is only 5 acres wide yet no fences.....

Hunting rights are getting harder to come by, although I don't hunt Elk on ranches I do Exotics.. AFTER ELK and DEER ... Exotics will be next...

280, I actually have a question for ya that I've been trying to ask ya... I'lll start a new topic. I promise not to give ya the red guy :D :D IF ya answer it ....
Tom, I saw your county by county map and it is a rather useless piece of information. Montana just doesnt have big population centers, other than Billings, Bozeman, and Missoula mainly. All your map and info shows is just that, a good percentage of Montanas population comes from those counties. That same trend would show in any other legislation passed in MT or any other state.

Many of my buddies voted for 143 and they all live in Missoula, darn near all of them hunt.

You wont be convincing my anytime soon that this was passed by PETA, it was passed by hunters. Where the people that voted for 143 live doesnt say anything about their political views or affiliation. I could really care less if supporters of 143 voted for Gore, Bush, Nader, or the devil.

Besides, all this crap is irrevelant, Game farms are done in MT.
I found the plot I did, each point is a county. There was a strong correlation, more than expected by chance, between the vote for Gore and the vote for the I143 ban and this can be seen in the plot below.


I heard the researcher who discovered how these prion diseases work from prions now has a live test and a mechanism to treat these diseases with. The business marketting this, if true, is worth billions in the first year. Europeans want to test every animal they raise as they've had that mad cow disease and others.

Now there's some good old American scientific enterprise at work.

Due to I143 it looks like its too late for the Montana economy and game farms. You can use it on your cattle up there though when it comes out.
Tom. I saw in your profile that you are statistician. Don't let garbled piles of numbers cloud your grasp of reality. Stats are interesting, but often don't tell the whole story.

I'm fairly sure MT's economy will survive without game farms.

I'm glad to see them go.
More reality would be good, like I wish I had the PETA membership numbers per county in Montana or the hunting liscenses sold per county in Montana to see how they related to the I143 vote.

Its history in Montana now but not other places. The wild elk remain wild, we're all happy about that.
Hey then maybe you could find out how many folks drive Chevy trucks per county and correlate that to the numbers of PETA members and voters of I-143 per county. More interesting yet useless information.
Its certainly informative, (minority of counties for it, rural counties against it, it alligns with the democrats voting for Gore), but useless or not depends on the user probably.

I don't care about the chevy trucks and don't think you do either. Do you have county by county harvest data or hunting liscece info. up there?
I don't pay much attention to the hunting stats ..because like I said they are mostly useless and misleading. I once read that the district I elk hunt in has a 13% 5-year running success rate on branch-antlered bulls.. even with a 10-week season. Boy, it must stink there. That's what the stats seem to suggest anyway.

Just so you know.. I live in Gallatin County, voted for Bush, voted for I-143, drive a Chevy, and kill a branch-antlered elk in that 13% stat disctrict every year. :D :D
You do have hunter/sportsman stats. up there. If you send me or tell me how to get the number of hunting liscenses per county (or something like that) with the county name, I can see if the sportsman's counts allign with or against the I143 vote.

Maybe your voting is like your elk hunting, unusual (13%, you're one of those), maybe not. It probably doesn't matter, like you say, but it would be interesting to find out.
Tom.. look for them stats yourself. I'm fairly certain you will find that the most hunting licenses are sold in Gallatin, Yellowstone, Missoula, and Flathead County, jsut due to those being the population centers.

I think you got too much time on your hands. Get over it. Canned elk hunts are through here in MT because a lot of sportsmen voted it out. It was sportsmen groups that gathered all the signatures to put the inititive on the bill. I did it personally for the Montana Bowhunters Association. You don't like the reasons it was voted out probably because it makes you look in the mirror and ask some questions to yourself. Enjoy yourself in Texas. Your not a bad bunch to go hunt on a game farm. You just ain't going to be doing it up here.

Forget about you silly stats... they don't mean sh1t.
Kurt, Are you sure you and bcat aren't related? You have similar ways of making a point.
;) :cool:
Dan.. not related to bcat.

I'm not much different that you actually we might be related. Of course I'm better looking though.

Might be a little abrasive... but at least there's no shaving off a 40% bullchit factor everytime I type. :D
Greenhorn, you're making up reasons. I can't believe you guys voted this out, but I've learned some of your reasoning. Where are the stats. If I do percentages, it will control for the size of the county somewhat. I don't know where your Montana stats. are on liscenses. Where are they?

I've read you and two other hunters gathered signatures, I picked up one of the RMEF flyers full of biased info. on I143 (I thought) when I went through there last year. I would like to get the stats. on each county and numbers of sportsman and don't know where they are. You might know.

You try to tell me what I think and you screw up, what I think, is you guys screwed up, that's what I think.
Hey greeny I have a hell of an idea, next fall when the 4-h kids are selling their sheep and goats at the fair what do say we buy up a few turn them loose in a giant one acre pen (which then makes it fair chase) and hunt them suckers down. If we are lucky enough to harvest one we will have to get some find a taxadermist to do the work and we can call them exotic,,,what do you think?
280, do you have any stats. on numbers of sportsman per county for all the counties up there? I would like to do a plot with them but don't have them.

Greenhorn only likes the stats. that make him shine. I don't blame him for liking those.
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