Caribou Gear Tarp

Are raffles real?

I have never won any tags or hunts, but at local chapter Ducks Unlimited and Pheasants Forever banquets in the last 3 years I've won a Weatherby Vanguard rifle, a custom processed half hog, and a Traeger grill. If I tried to count up how much I've spent on raffle tickets and game entries, I am probably only up $500 on winnings the past three years. That's not counting the years of raffles before that where I've come home empty handed, that's just my recent history when I have more to spend at the banquets than $50 on beer.
Got another, "We regret to inform you that you did not win, thank you for your contribution." emails today.

I've got decades worth. Never a congratulations letter.

I look at it as giving an organization something and having a SLIGHT chance at getting something for it. But honestly, I am the unluckiest raffle (and banquet attendee) in the history of conservation.

Just pissy enough to start thinking there is someone somewhere laughing over the fact that there is no prize at all.

Prove me wrong - If you have won a big ticket item via raffle, tell us about it. Just make sure your 1099's are in order.

Well, I know you're lying, because I am the unluckiest raffle winner (loser?) in the history of raffles. I think the last thing I won was a $5 duck call lanyard at a Ducks Unlimited event when I was about 17 years old, it cost more than that to get in the door. :ROFLMAO:
Well, I know you're lying, because I am the unluckiest raffle winner (loser?) in the history of raffles. I think the last thing I won was a $5 duck call lanyard at a Ducks Unlimited event when I was about 17 years old, it cost more than that to get in the door. :ROFLMAO:
We should start own own raffle.

Mrs now tells me when in the month we have money for me to buy tickets. Then I don't have to touch my dark money.
Before @Big Fin locks this thread and revokes my PW I should make it clear that this is a parody thread. HTers are outrageously generous folks.
But if your website offers landowner tags for sale, I'm not buying anything from you.

If I can’t win a ID Goat tag, I ain’t playing.
I saw a video from comedian Michael Jr. where he sold thousands of printed show tickets for the "No Show" event. Each had printed on the back, "This is a ticket to a show that will not happen. But this is not a tax deduction. You are actually paying for a ticket."

He raised enough money to buy a high capacity vehicle for a family doing foster care.
I feel a lot of my fellow losers pain/ all the banquets I’ve gone to over the years and the best thing I’ve ever got drawn for is a general ticket after everything is picked over so I end up with a S or XXXXL shirt or a coozy. Not for lack of effort. I’d hate to guess the amount of money I’ve pissed away (donated to a good cause). There was a Pheasants Forever banquet that had an engraved golden boy. I think there was 30 chances I spent $500 to buy several chances, nope.

Fast forward to me being older and realizing I’m a born loser, I just give my wife all the cash at whatever banquet we’re at and let her buy tickets and draw. She’s won smokers, guns, ect. She wins something pretty decent wherever we are. She’s a winner, I’m a loser. It’s that simple.
Well, I know you're lying, because I am the unluckiest raffle winner (loser?) in the history of raffles. I think the last thing I won was a $5 duck call lanyard at a Ducks Unlimited event when I was about 17 years old, it cost more than that to get in the door. :ROFLMAO:
I’m slightly terrified that someday I will win one of oaks sheep scratchers and will actually have to put on pants and trade my bespoke house slippers for boots 🥺
I won a hand carved diamond willow hiking stick at boy scout day camp back in the late 90s. Just name in the hat out of several 100 kids. 20 yrs later I was back in MN and went to breakfast at a local cafe with my dad and after getting introduced to one old guy visiting from a neighboring town he said, "hey didn't you win one of my hiking sticks a few years back?" Not sure how the heck he would have remembered that.

Nothing since then and I put into a several different online and local raffles for fundraisers.
When I was fresh out of high school, I loved DU banquets. Over the course of two years I went to three banquets and won three framed prints, a big wooden cutting board, something else I'm forgetting, and a small Yeti cooler.

One of the prints is of some banking pintails and it's actually split into two frames. My favorite of all the things I've won at those banquets, they've been hanging in the same spot in my house for like eight years.
Well, between RMEF and Whitetails Unlimited banquets I've picked up 5 guns, a ladder stand, a couple nice signed and numbered prints. One other dinner I went to I won a nice print. I RELUCTANTLY brought it home because I had a choice between it and a bear hunt. I was already going on an elk hunt and decided 2 hunts that close together with the limited cash available was not a good thing.
Got another, "We regret to inform you that you did not win, thank you for your contribution." emails today.

I've got decades worth. Never a congratulations letter.

I look at it as giving an organization something and having a SLIGHT chance at getting something for it. But honestly, I am the unluckiest raffle (and banquet attendee) in the history of conservation.

Just pissy enough to start thinking there is someone somewhere laughing over the fact that there is no prize at all.

Prove me wrong - If you have won a big ticket item via raffle, tell us about it. Just make sure your 1099's are in order.
You are not alone.
I have never won at a raffle.
I have never won anything at a banquet.
Never won a gift drawing of any kind at all.
After about 4 decades of trying I don't anymore at all.
Well, I know you're lying, because I am the unluckiest raffle winner (loser?) in the history of raffles. I think the last thing I won was a $5 duck call lanyard at a Ducks Unlimited event when I was about 17 years old, it cost more than that to get in the door. :ROFLMAO:

Well boys, looks like raffles are real and my luck has turned! I've got a Weaver rifle coming my way ;)

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