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Arctic blast

Well, Arctic Blast sent it full Griswold Christmas at our house....frozen pipes to upstairs bath sink which then burst, meanwhile everyone in our house has been sick and my 8yr old went to the doc w 103 fever today while i had water spewing everywhere.....was able to get piping isolated going upstairs but no showers or tubs functional in the house at this point....looks like insurance claim coming and exploratory wall sugery to find buried leak....in-laws arrive tomorrow.

Merry Christmas y'all, $h1tters full...

Well, Arctic Blast sent it full Griswold Christmas at our house....frozen pipes to upstairs bath sink which then burst, meanwhile everyone in our house has been sick and my 8yr old went to the doc w 103 fever today while i had water spewing everywhere.....was able to get piping isolated going upstairs but no showers or tubs functional in the house at this point....looks like insurance claim coming and exploratory wall sugery to find buried leak....in-laws arrive tomorrow.

Merry Christmas y'all, $h1tters full...

Dang, hope tomorrow's a better day.
We just crossed the 0 feels-like temp here, been a few years since the last time that happened. Was hoping to get out and enjoy a walk with a shotgun in the cold tomorrow morning but I've come down with some stomach bug.

Hope all yall in the real cold stay safe and warm through this. Looking like we'll be pushing 70 on new year's day.
Today's lesson will be easily understood. Class, even though it was a balmy -10 one should always wear the proper gloves when grabbing an aluminum scoop shovel to clear some snow. Failure to do so may result in future discomfort. That is all.

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Without getting all "sciencey" on you, im pretty sure if you grab a hot cast iron pan those will go right back in. The whole "every action has an opposite equal" whatever yadda yadda.

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