Archery how much do you shoot?


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2015
Lots of posts this year about lost elk. I've been there. The topic then eventually turns to broadhead types, poundage pulled arrows etc but we all know the loss was due to the placement of the shot.
I'm interested in hearing how, and how much people practice. I'll go first. I've bowhunted since I was 14 and I'm now 46. I shoot a couple times up until June 1st, then I shoot at least 3 days a week in my backyard. I also shoot three to five 3-d tournaments a year. How much do you shoot?
Not as much as I used to. I'd say now maybe once every two weeks from may to July Then I try to once or twice a week from then til I start hunting in mid to late October. Usednto be every day almost year round. However I'm shooting better now than I ever have before.
I shoot once a week at an indoor range during the winter. I'll shoot everyother night or more in August. I usually don't shoot for more than 20 minutes. In the summer I might only shoot 10 arrows an evening.
I seem to not find as much time for it as I used to. If I have an archery tag out west I’ll practice a few evenings a week all summer and more as the season gets closer. If I just plan to hunt whitetail at home I honestly only practice once every few weeks.
From about June to September a few nights a week. I can shoot in my driveway so that helps
Start shooting in mid June. 2-3x per week. All the way up to September. Then back it down to 1x per week through November. Then put the bow down for six months.

Anywhere between 3-21 arrows per session. Anything beyond that - for me - just encourages poor form and a loss of focus/concentration. Only get to shoot one arrow per animal (unless things go sideways). Extreme focus and concentration for every single shot.
I can get to 60yds in my backyard and shoot a regular target. I do think shooting a 3d target is better though. When you don't have a bullseye it's hard for me to pick a point. Aim small shoot small is difficult for me on a 3D.
Couple days before I hunt.
I have a feeling that's the majority. I work with quite a few transplants who bowhunt and that's their prep method. Those are also the ones I hear the sob stories from. They have some sweet gear though.
Whenever i want. Can pratice 100+ at home.

Least a few times a week for 6 weeks before season. A lot more when i was starting and had less home obligations.
I seem to not find as much time for it as I used to. If I have an archery tag out west I’ll practice a few evenings a week all summer and more as the season gets closer. If I just plan to hunt whitetail at home I honestly only practice once every few weeks.
I hunt treestands alot for elk. You find the downward angle difficult to get both lungs? I have killed a couple that took over an hour to expire due to me not shooting low enough to get both lungs They were like at 10 yds and I am about 12' up.
Whenever i want. Can pratice 100+ at home.

Least a few times a week for 6 weeks before season. A lot more when i was starting and had less home obligations.
I can pull my bloody muddy bow out of its case for the first shoot of the year and shoot pretty good.. For me, consistent practice is where my amount of fliers decreases. My groups tend to stay pretty consistent.
I hunt treestands alot for elk. You find the downward angle difficult to get both lungs? I have killed a couple that took over an hour to expire due to me not shooting low enough to get both lungs They were like at 10 yds and I am about 12' up.
I had a buddy kill an elk out of a tree stand once and his story is very similar to yours. He’s on here and may chime in.
I hunt treestands alot for elk. You find the downward angle difficult to get both lungs? I have killed a couple that took over an hour
to expire due to me not shooting low enough to get both lungs They were like at 10 yds and I am about 12' up.
Inside of 10 yards the angle definitely makes pretty small window to get both lungs. I honestly prefer 15 to 25 yard shots when in a stand over 12’ though it doesn’t always work out that way.
This is all I do...for real...even if you were joking....I have lost 1 deer in my this works for me. I do shoot a bit during the season, but not much. I know this is about elk, but just felt like throwing my 2 cents in... :) I have not hunted elk with a bow.
I'm not judging. Easily do-able. My shank the trigger shots are probably 20% early in the year. So if I stayed 40 or under I would be fine.

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